Claude Landrum Atkinson County High School Project Ideas for Any Student GACTE Conference 2017 Claude Landrum Atkinson County High School
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Why do teachers assign projects???
Professional answer: Break complex tasks into parts and steps Plan and manage time Refine understanding through discussion and explanation Give and receive feedback on performance Challenge assumptions
Teacher answer: “To get something firing between the ears.”
Project Idea #1: Create a New Product
New Product Idea Assignment: Create a product that DOES NOT exist that addresses a problem that DOES exit. Build a prototype.
My students Audio Technology and Film classes: Web Design classes: Create a commercial including new product. Web Design classes: Create a webpage including new product. Intro to Business and Technology class: Marketing Mix (4Ps) to present new product.
How could this be used in other classes??? Economics: Product development ELA: Short story or poem. Math: Sales, Calculate cost of making. Science: Examine product elements. Special Education: Make memory cards. Communications: Mock calls or visits to a business regarding the product. Chorus: Make up a funny song.
Project Idea #2: Unit Vocabulary Ideas
Unit Vocabulary With a partner, use ALL words to: Write a poem. Write a song. Write a short story Draw a pic of a what a scene would look like. “Yes it’s hard. It makes you think outside the box. That’s the purpose of the assignment.”
How could this be used in other classes??? Can be used same way in any class. Create memory cards.
Project Idea #3: Quick Response (QR) Codes
Quick Response (QR) Codes Google maps to ATCO High School
Quick Response (QR) Codes Super easy to create! School filter allows students to access. Create QR Codes for LOTS of different data. Download QR Code and use it anywhere. Install QR Reader on cell phone. It’s FREE!
My students Create QR Codes to: Go to your favorite Youtube video(s). Display name, email address, hobbies. Copy codes to WORD and other students scan codes. What did each one do? Go to documents. Scan QR Codes on worksheet and write down what is displayed.
How could this be used in other classes??? SAVE PAPER! Students use QR Codes to submit work, ideas, communication, etc. Give answers to assignments, study guides, tutorial videos, etc. Give instructions via QR Codes. Hang QR Codes in the hall for other people to access your students’ work. Give instructions on how to enter a school contest for a prize.
Project Idea #4: Team Building & Communication
TEAM & Communication Project Ideas Non-verbal: Line up by last name without talking. Verbal: Listen to partner for 30-60 seconds and then introduce them to the class. Play Have You Ever??? Snowball Fight (Written and Verbal)
TEAM & Communication Project Ideas “The Chair” Exercise
Project Idea 5: Focus & Following Directions
Chicken Scream Project Idea FREE Downloadable App Voice activated. I use it as a Focusing & Following Directions tool. Make it more interesting by rewarding top score.
http://apps. goodereader
Project Idea 6: Human Outline
Human Outline Project Idea Trace outline of students. 15 pictures that best depicts leadership qualities. Honest, Strong, Patient, People Skills, Good Listener, etc.
A leader guides and leads others.
How could this be used in other classes??? Replace Leadership requirements with: History: President, historical figure. Math / Geometry: Create clothes and accessories using various angles. Anatomy: Respiratory or Nervous system. ELA: Character from a novel. Health/PE: Different muscles. Technology: Famous Innovator.
Why do teachers assign projects???
Professional answer: Break complex tasks into parts and steps Plan and manage time Refine understanding through discussion and explanation Give and receive feedback on performance Challenge assumptions
Teacher answer: “To get something firing between the ears.”