Essex Primary School Year 5 Expectations 2017/2018 Tuesday 12th September 2017
Impact of Parental Involvement on Children’s Education The Children’s Plan published by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) in 2007 ‘Parental involvement in children’s education from an early age has a significant effect on educational achievement, and continues to do so into adolescence and adulthood’
Mr Fergal Kelly (Year Group Lead) – 5K The Year 5 Team Mr Fergal Kelly (Year Group Lead) – 5K Ms. Jubeda Begum – 5B Ms Repa Begum – 5R Miss. Claire Watson – 5W
Year 5 Expectations and Reminders Uniform Children should wear school uniform in the correct colours: navy blue, and white (including all hair accessories and head scarves). No jewellery is to be worn. Black shoes and a change of shoes for P.E. are required.
Year 5 Expectations and Reminders Please make sure that your child’s name is on every item of their clothing and their PE bags are sent with the right clothing every Monday. PE bags must be left in school during the week and be brought home every Friday. We will change their reading books bi-weekly. We want them to read at home every day. They don’t need to finish the book in one sitting. Your child needs to document their reading in their reading records with a quick comment. It would be beneficial for your children to join the local library.
Year 5 Expectations and Reminders We will be doing Intervention groups for children who need additional support with their English and Maths. Trips will take place in Year 5. We will notify you of these trips before they take place. In year 5 children are permitted to go home alone only if the parent or carer has signed the home alone slip. Otherwise your child will need to be collected. If you are unable to collect your children after school, it’s your responsibility to let the school know who will be coming to collect them. We cannot release your child to an adult if we have not been informed prior to their collection. We hand out homework on Friday and expect it to be returned/completed by Monday.
Given on Friday completed/returned by Monday Homework Given on Friday completed/returned by Monday Maths Mathletics - online English Reading – Comprehension with questions Spellings Science Termly projects Reading Records – return on Friday Children to record their reading every night by themselves
Maths What we do! 2014 New Curriculum Maths Programmes of Study Teach conceptual understanding of the programmes of study and immerse children in problem solving. Help children reason mathematically and enable them to make links in maths. What you can do? Help your child with their homework Mathletics Nrich
Writing What we do! 2014 New Curriculum Writing Programmes of Study Immerse children in the writing process to ensure children are confident technical writers with composition and effect. What you can do! Help your child with their homework Discuss ideas with your child in relation to their writing topics.
Reading What we do! 2014 New Curriculum ‘Reading’ Programmes of Study Guided Reading Sessions, Independent Reading Sessions, Teacher Reading Sessions, Reading Interventions What you can do! Help your child with their homework Reading Records – read with your child everyday for 15 mins and ask them questions based on what you have read
Science What we do! 2014 New Curriculum Science Programmes of Study What you can do! Help your child with their homework/projects
Online Safety Have a conversation with your child about online safety. Explore online together Know who your child is communicating with online Set rules and agree boundaries Make sure that content is age appropriate Use parental controls to filter, restrict, monitor or report content Check that you child knows how to use privacy settings and reporting tools
Online Safety
Fairplay House Fairplay House Outdoor Education Centre is one of the longest running outdoor education centres in the UK with nearly 50 years of experience in inspiring and offering outdoor learning to young people and adults. The Centre is owned and funded by the London Borough of Newham and consists of Fairplay House and grounds and the houseboat ‘Barge Haybay’.
Fairplay House Monday 16th October to Wednesday 18th October Away for 2 nights Leave the morning of Monday 16th Oct Return back to be picked up at 3:15 on Wednesday 18th Oct Sleep in dorms (bunkbeds) Boys and Girls are on separate floors Food is halal and there are vegetarian options Children’s medical needs are accommodated and any medicines are administered by staff member of Essex Primary School Children must bring outdoor clothes (expect to get dirty) and indoor wear. Parents will not have contact with children while they are away – school will communicate to parents via updates at reception. Cost is £40 and those who are on income support will get a £20 refund Complete ‘Information and Consent’ form by Monday 18th September will £40 enclosed.
Sex and Relationship Education