Establishing a National


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Presentation transcript:

Establishing a National Fire Fighter Cancer Registry

Fire Fighting & Cancer Cancer is the leading cause of line of duty deaths among fire fighters Work environment is often chaotic and uncontrolled PPE and clothing = Inadequate protection Repeated exposures over many years Human factors (Decon habits)   Cancer continues to take a tremendous toll on our members, both active and retired. Each and every one of us knows someone from the fire service that has suffered from the struggles of fighting cancer and all too many of us know of someone that has perished because of this deadly unforgiving disease. We know that our work environment is often very chaotic and uncontrolled. We often find ourselves responding to situations that do not meet our pre-planned expectations. The structure contains products that unknown to us. The weather and winds aren’t ideal and despite our best efforts to avoid breathing in harmful smoke we undoubtedly inhale more than we should. And this doesn’t include the invisible gasses and particles that rain down on us throughout our extinguishment efforts. Our PPE is good but it doesn’t provide a 100% protective barrier. Smoke and water penetrate even the best PPE bringing a toxic soup of chemicals directly to our skin. Over our many years of service we are repeatedly exposed to this toxic soup. Each time our bodies absorb a little bit more and a little more. Eventually, we believe, that repeated exposures are a major contributor to a cancer diagnosis. Consider the human factors of our response; Do you engage in gross decon of your gear on scene? Do you use wet wipes to decon your face, neck, hands and arms on scene? Where do you place your contaminated PPE in the apparatus while returning after the incident? Do you immediately shower and put on clean clothes once you’re back in the station? Are you relaxing on the dayroom or lounge furniture while you wait for an open shower? Think about how you can reduce your exposures.

Fire Fighting & Cancer Carcinogens in the Fire Fighting Environment Arsenic Asbestos Benzene Diesel Exhaust Formaldehyde Polychlorinated Biphenyls Vinyl Chloride Carcinogens are everywhere in the fire fighting environment.

Fire Fighting & Cancer Scientific studies consistently demonstrate the strong link between fire fighting and cancer LeMasters Meta-Analysis NIOSH Study Nordic Study There have been a few studies, as shown here, that have demonstrated a strong link between fire fighting and cancer. However, the numbers of studies and specificity of the data is still not sufficient enough to draw a direct link to the various cancers suffered by those within our occupation.

Fire Fighting & Cancer Most existing studies are limited: Relatively small sample Underrepresentation of women and minorities Missing key data points Globally speaking, the studies on fire fighters represent only a very small sample of the population. And still yet, the existing studies only cover a very small slice of the fire fighter population. More studies are necessary. We need more robust studies that include larger sample sizes, and a greater numbers of women and minorities. And we need studies that capture other variables such as the fire fighters age, time in the fire service, career or volunteer service, Smoker or Non-smoker, numbers of responses and types of responses (residential or commercial), special teams (such as hazmat) and if the fire fighter has any additional exposures through non-FD activities (part-time employment / family farms). It is our belief that the Firefighter Cancer Registry places us on that trajectory.

The Firefighter Cancer Registry Act H.R. 931: The Firefighter Registry Act of 2017 Sponsors: Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) S. 382: The Firefighter Registry Act of 2017 Sponsors: Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) Our bill has bipartisan support in the House and Senate. To create a national registry specifically for fire fighters

The Firefighter Cancer Registry Act Data Collection on a National Scale Fire Fighter – Specific occupation Novel data points Built with fire fighter input and expertise The Firefighters Cancer Registry will include ALL fire fighters from all across the United States Participation with the Registry is not mandatory. We highly encourage robust participation with this voluntary information collection activity. This Registry is specifically designed for fire fighters with input from the experts at your IAFF.

The Firefighter Cancer Registry Act Data contained in the registry will allow researchers to gain a better understanding of cancer within the fire service. Result = Prevention! The more we can contribute to the knowledge base, the better the researchers can grow their understanding of cancer within the fire service. This will provide many positive effects on the fire service, most importantly helping you to prevent further cancers before they develop.

The Firefighter Cancer Registry Act More Data = Better Research Better Research = Stronger Causal Link Stronger Causal Link = Stronger Laws / Benefits All of these efforts leads to providing you and your family a better life! With improved research data better preventives can be achieved. And we hope the data will be one more tool for you to bring to the table as you about developing and strengthening laws, improving employee benefits, such as workers compensation, and for our Federal fire fighters and those states without Presumptive Disability legislation, at least provide you will data to prove the causal link to support any claims made through your respective systems.

Make YOUR Case Make it personal / Take it home! Consider YOUR daily exposures. Tell the story! Colleagues impacted by cancer? We all know one! Have YOU been impacted by cancer? Don’t be bashful in presenting your case. Perhaps, upon returning home, ask one your coworkers that is suffering from Cancer to call his/her member to share their personal story. Making it personal and local, it is more likely get the members attention and support.

Make YOUR Case H.R. 931 / S. 382 has been endorsed by every major national fire service organization: International Association of Fire Fighters International Association of Fire Chiefs National Volunteer Fire Council Congressional Fire Services Institute

House Targets Give strong focus on any House member on the Committee on Energy and Commerce Ask ALL members to become a cosponsor! Currently there are 84 and growing. Republicans Are Key! Ask the Republican members to pressure the Committee Chair to bring this bill forward for consideration. And then appeal to the House majority leadership to get our bill brought to the House floor.

House Targets Cosponsor H.R. 931 The Firefighter Cancer Registry Act of 2017 Staff Contact: Taylor Kloustin Office of Representative Chris Collins (NY-27) 1117 Longworth House Office Building (202) 225-5265 Dylan Sodaro Office of Representative Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-09) 2370 Rayburn House Office Building (202) 225-5751

Senate Targets Give strong focus on any Senator on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. Ask ALL members to become a cosponsor! Currently there are 13 and growing. Republicans Are Key! Like is the House, we need this bill to be moved along in the Senate. Ask your member to support our bill and assist in moving it to floor as soon as possible. Urge them to give our bill a YES vote.

Senate Targets Staff Contact: Cosponsor S. 382 The Firefighter Cancer Registry Act of 2017 Staff Contact: Rob Childers Office of Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) 528 Hart Senate Office Building (202) 224-4744 Nathan Bergerbest Office of Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) 522 Hart Senate Office Building (202) 224-6665

Use Your Tools! Make YOUR Case Use Your Tools!

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2012 Alfred K. Whitehead Legislative Conference International Association of Fire Fighters