Introduction to APES
Course Description This is a college-level introductory course in environmental science, which is an all-encompassing interdisciplinary field integrating knowledge from geology, hydrology, oceanography, meteorology, climatology, economics, political science, ecology, biology, and chemistry to help understand the Earth's natural environments and humanity's relationship with them. The central goal of this course is to develop environmentally-conscious critical thinker-citizens who are capable of analyzing the social and scientific dimensions of past, present, and future environmental problems in pursuit of solutions. As Dr. Seuss says in The Lorax, “unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Unit Test Dates When we finish each Unit we will have a test. Tutoring can be Wednesday or Thursday you pick. Movie Night Project Science in the News Project AP Exam -- Monday, May 1 Science Night Project May ???
Structure of Examinations Structure of the AP Exam in May Multiple Choice Questions 60% of Score 90 minutes 100 total A-B-C-D-E questions Free Response Questions 40% of Score 4 multi-part questions Structure of Unit Tests Multiple Choice Questions 60% of Score 45 minutes 50 total A-B-C-D-E questions Free Response Questions 40% of Score 2 multi-part questions
AP Environmental Science Exam Scores Equivalent Grade Tests (2016) Tests (2015) Tests (2014) Tests (2013) 5 A 7.3% 7.5% 8.3% 8.0% 4 B 23% 24.1% 23.6% 23.4% 3 C 14.8% 15.2% 15.3% 16.8% 2 D 26% 25.5% 25.4% 1 F 28.8% 27.7% 27.2% 26.5%
Credit Awarded for APES Exam Scores School Score Course Credits UNC-CH 4 Environment and Ecology 202 4 credit hours NCSU 3 Marine, Earth, Atmo. Science 100 ECU Biology 1060 5 credit hours UNCW Environmental Studies 195 UNCG Biology 105 CCCC Biology 140 and 140a Caveat: Receiving college credit may or may not be your goal, but taking and doing well in APES will prepare you if you wanted to take these or other Environmental Science-related courses in college!
What if we have two weeks of snow? APES will still exist but in minimized form. This is due in large part to the need for a rapid pace to prepare for the quickly-approaching AP exam. You will not be expected to work on APES in excess, but updates on the progress of the course will be provided on website, edmodo or by phone. 919-356-0950 The due dates for the Projects and the Exam are set in stone, so it is expected that these be completed and submitted on time regardless of weather.