Cabri 3D: Exploring a New Dimension Paul Klotzle Laura Magni Gabe Richmond
What is Cabri 3D? Cabri 3D is a simple and comprehensive software to help students understand 3D geometry. Students can actually open up 3D shapes Modern & exciting alternative to physical geometry manipulative Cabri 3D software helps bring concepts to life
The Basics Basic construction with planes, spheres, and lines Construction of solids: pyramids, cylinders, etc. Nets: unfolding polyhedrons into nets Measurements & Calculations: what we are already familiar with plus 3D calculations (volume)
Advances in Cabri 3D View from any angle: able to rotate objects a full 360 degrees Animation tools: replay of steps Intersections: discover the shape of intersections between shapes and planes
How can Teachers Utilize Cabri 3D? Free 30 day trial at Even if students do not have individual computers, you can project your screen so the class can see Helps students visualize different geometric concepts linked directly to NCTM standards (prove theorems, discover formulas, etc.) Connections to physics, geometry, and the arts
Group Discover Create a cube and its net Discover the intersection between a cube and a plane Construct a dodecahedron
Our Lesson in Cabri 3D Inquiry-based lesson consisting of 3 activities Nets Discovering Surface Area Box Length Problem
½ * Perimeter * Slant Height + Base Area Discover Surface Area Regular Pyramid 4 + = 4 * (1/2 B * H) + S² = ½ *(4*B)*H + S² = ½ * Perimeter * Slant Height + Base Area
Perimeter * Height + 2 * Base Area Discover Surface Area Regular Prism 5 + 2 = 5 * (S * H) + 2 B = 5S * H + 2B = Perimeter * Height + 2 * Base Area
What is the largest stick that can fit into this box? Inquiry Based Lab Work What is the largest stick that can fit into this box? Original Box