Key Club Meeting October 2 Diane Javier
Pledge Still don’t know it? Shame on you! Our website: Our FaceBook page: 2014-2015 Chaffey Key Club GOOGLE! Google is my friend. Your friend. Everyone’s (but Yahoo!’s) friend. JK. Or am I.
Pledge I pledge on my honor To uphold the objects of Key Club International To build my home, school, and community To serve my nation and God And combat all forces Which tend to undermine These institutions You guys really need to know this by next week!
Serious Business No icebreaker today. Settle down. Be quiet. Be respectful. Be the awesome you. Thank you.
UPCOMING EVENTS Get something to write with Write information down Make sure to pay attention
Lights On After School When: October 23 (THURSDAY) Time: 4:00pm-6:30pm Where: Vineyard STEM Magnet School 1500 E. 6th St. Ontario, CA, 91764 What: An event for parents, staff, stakeholders, and anyone to come be informed about THINK Together Program and its benefits
Dia de los Muertos Activity When: October 30 (THURSDAY) Time: 4:00pm-6:30pm Where: Vineyard STEM Magnet School 1500 E. 6th St. Ontario, CA, 91764 What: Help make sugar skulls and decorate them
Halloween Carnival When: October 31 (FRIDAY) Time: 4:00pm-6:30pm Where: Vineyard STEM Magnet School 1500 E. 6th St. Ontario, CA, 91764 What: Help make carnival-like games
Fun Fridays (4-6 members only) When: Fridays Time: Afterschool - 4:30ish Where: Vineyard STEM Magnet School 1500 E. 6th St. Ontario, CA, 91764 What: Help students with their extracurricular activities such as: sports, computers, cooking club, duct tape club, etc.
Mondays-Wednesdays (4-6 mems) When: Mondays- Wednesdays Time: Afterschool- 4:30ish Where: Vineyard STEM Magnet School 1500 E. 6th St. Ontario, CA, 91764 What: Help tutor kinder to 8th graders.
Vineyard Events Sign up sheets available after meeting Must also sign up online and fill out forms Forms can be found on our website Forms: Youth App 1 Time Volunteers Epicor Online App Guide (tells you how to do it online) If you have problems with any of these, don’t hesitate to ask us!
October DCM When: October 11 (Every 2nd Sat. / month) Time: 3-6pm Where: Rancho Cucamonga 8360 Red Oak St. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca What: Dunk the president, Fall Rally, Spirit session, spirit attire, etc.
FALL RALLY and Spirit Attire Sign up if you haven’t already Money: Oct. 16 (3rd Thursday from now) It shouldn’t be that expensive if you HAD talked to Ambear about fundraisers Spirit Attire Turn in money and order form ASAP to Ambear
Outreach Nation Donation Bring old clothes, blankets, toys, bathroom essentials Bring canned goods, non perishable foods (cereal, etc) Bring anytime throughout October-- end of Drive is TBD Thanksgiving donation
PAST EVENTS September DCM September Chaffey Clean Up (+ bonding) Region Training Conference
Other possible events coming up! Tigeraffe Games Basketball tournament Halloween Grams
THANK YOU! THANK YOU JARED FOR TAKING ON THE ROLE AS CHS KEY CLUB’S OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER! Don’t be camera shy. Just ignore it when doing service and show them pearly whites for group photos!
QUESTIONS? CONCERNS? COMMENTS? Don’t forget to sign up for Vineyard events! Don’t forget to turn in Membership forms! Don’t forget to have a nice rest of the day! You guys are awesome!