Junior Information & Resources CHS Class of 2019 Junior Information & Resources
Things Juniors Need to Do PSAT/SAT/ACT Intensify your College Search Know and Use the Resources Available to You
Take the PSAT October 11, 2017 Junior year PSAT identifies students for the National Merit Scholarship Program PSAT is also a good practice for the SAT All Juniors are automatically registered this year, the cost is free Go to www.collegeboard.org for more information
Take the SAT and/or the ACT Most colleges require one of these tests for admission Both are accepted at most colleges Colleges will select the highest score from either test, so it is recommended that both tests are taken ~ and each more than once. Spring of your Junior year is a good time to take it for the first time. Many colleges are “super-scoring” both the SAT and ACT
SAT and ACT continued The ACT and SAT are structured differently, so review the information on your handout (accessible in your Family Connections account), and check their websites for details When taking the ACT, we recommend taking it with the Writing section, most colleges will want to see it Register online for each of them: SAT www.collegeboard.org ACT www.actstudent.org Changes are coming to the SAT, but not until the spring of 2016 – so it won’t affect you.
SAT/ACT Registration Changes A photo upload is required for the SAT and ACT. Follow the guidelines for acceptable photos – you should be the only one in the photo. You will not be admitted to the test room without an acceptable picture. Students must bring admission ticket AND picture ID on test day. Stand-by registration is no longer allowed on test day.
Intensify your College Search Family Connection Online platform to help you with college and career exploration Explore colleges that are of interest to you Sign up to meet with college representatives when they visit CHS Complete college-related tasks assigned to you by your counselor
Family Connection (Accessible from Counseling Home Page)
Access Family Connection through any CHS Canvas Course Homepage
Family Connection: College Information
Intensify your College Search (continued) Meet with college representatives at CHS Sign up in Family Connection Schedule an appointment with College Advisors in the College and Career Resource Center (CCRC) (Gold days only) Schedule campus visits with college admission offices
Intensify your College Search (continued) Attend College Fairs -September 21, 6:30-8 pm Hamilton County College Fair at Hamilton Southeastern HS -September 28, 6:30-8:30 pm Indianapolis Christian College Fair at College Park Church, Indianapolis -October 20, 9 am – 1 pm Indianapolis National College Fair at Indy Convention Center -March 13, 6:30-8 pm Northeast Indianapolis College Fair at Lawrence North HS -March 14, 6:30-8:30 Greater Indianapolis Northside College Fair, 502 East Event Centre, Carmel
Family Connection: College Rep Visits
Tips on Visiting Colleges Carmel High School encourages students to plan college visits. Absences for college visits must be prearranged with the Attendance office and will count against the Skip-a-final program. Visit when students are on campus and ask questions of students you see on campus. Your tour guide will probably be a student and could be a great source of information. Design your own trip: Make an appointment Take a campus tour Meet with the admissions office Observe a classroom setting Bring an unofficial transcript Schedule an overnight visit when possible
College Athletics Make sure you meet eligibility requirements and that your counselor is aware. Check the NCAA and the NAIA website for details Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center www.eligibilitycenter.org NAIA Eligibility Center www.playnaia.org
College, Work, or Military - we can help… Your goals may include college, military enlistment, identifying and applying for jobs, resume development, interviewing, and more. Family Connection will help you explore a world of possibilities, make decisions about your future, and prepare for the next step in your education and career planning journey. Log into Family Connection from the Counseling homepage Develop a resume of high school activities, award/achievements, community service, work experience Your counselor has already assigned a variety of tasks to complete during your junior year which focus on the career and college exploration process
Family Connection: Career Information
Family Connection: Resume Builder
Resources There are so many resources! Learn what is available to you and use them. We have listed useful internet sites for college, career and financial aid information in your handout. Family Connection (handout available) – College and Career Planning in one spot! In Like Me – College Admissions and Student Resource Hub http://inlikeme.com/ Peterson’s college search www.petersons.com Bigfuture by the College Board www.collegeboard.org
Important Dates College Information Nights: Financial Aid Night: Two dates to choose from: September 6 or September 12 6:30 pm in the CHS Auditorium Parents and students are encouraged to attend one evening (same program offered each night)! Financial Aid Night: October 18 at 6:30 pm in the CHS Auditorium College Fairs: Indianapolis National College Fair– September 16th at the Indianapolis Convention Center, 9 am-1 pm Hamilton County College Fair – September 15th, Fishers High School, 6:30-8:30 pm Christian College Fair – Sept. 27th, Hazel Dell Church, 6:30-8:30 pm Greater Indianapolis Northside College Fair– March 15, 2016
Counseling Center Resources Utilize the Counseling Center page on the CHS website! Information for every grade level, SAT/ACT, scholarships, general college information, links to resources and more College and Career Resource Center Extensive information on colleges available Summer Programs Scholarship Information Schedule a meeting with Mrs. Boldt or Mr. Pettibone – Gold Days Part-time job listings are posted in the Counseling Office Note: Work permits are done in the Main Office
Cyber “Stuff” What would a social media search say about you? Pictures, postings, links, email addresses College admissions and future employers may do a search - @CHSCollege411 - Carmel High School College Counseling - @chscollegecareer College Admissions Information Financial Aid Application Deadlines College Rep Visits Scholarships Summer Programs
Summary Work hard Prepare for Standardized Tests (PSAT, SAT, ACT) Junior year is the last year reflected on your transcript that you send to colleges next fall. Prepare for Standardized Tests (PSAT, SAT, ACT) Explore Family Connection for College and Career Options Use your resources Pay attention to important dates and deadlines Sign up to follow the CHS College Info Twitter account @CHSCollege411 , follow us on Instagram @chscollegecareer, and like us on Facebook at Carmel High School College Counseling.