Pupil Premium Grant: Report for Governors for 2015/2016 PPG statement: Rationale and Principles: Crossgates Primary School acknowledges that the PPG is provided for pupils who are socially disadvantaged as measured by their eligibility for free school meals. We recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. In distributing the pupil premium grant we reserve the right to allocate funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has identified as needing support.
Pupil Premium Grant: Report for Governors for 2015/2016 Total grant for different pupils 38 Total £ 50,160 Nature of support 2015/16 Cost 1. To subside Robinwood residential to enable ALL pupils to attend . To Subsidise all trips . £1,960. 2. To provide free breakfast and afterschool clubs for those families who need it. £1,188 3. To provide first class number in small groups and 1:1. £3,000 4. To deliver reading intervention in Key Stage Two. £1,800 5. To maintain an increased level of educational psychologist support bought in by the school £970 6. To provide additional, targeted support through teaching assistants. £1,500 7. To provide funding for children to learn a musical instrument. £1,950 8. To provide an extra swimming teacher to enable all children to swim 25 metres. £825
Pupil Premium Grant: Report for Governors for 2015/2016 Total grant for different pupils 38 Total £ 50,160 Nature of support 2015/16 Cost 9. To provide an extra class teacher in year six. £28,460 10. To provide 1:1 tuition from a class teacher after school. £8,507 Total £50,160 LAC funding £3,800 Breakfast and after school club £3,040 Summer club £380 1:1 support provided – costed provision maps £11,685 £15,105
Impact & evaluation Nature of support 2015/16 Impact (based on summer term TA data) Evaluation 1. To subside Robinwood residential to enable ALL pupils to attend . To Subsidise all trips . All children attended Robinwood and trips. The children were able to experience activities they had never tried before and challenged themselves. Excellent use of money. In difficult times some parents struggle to afford such trips. These are trips children will remember forever. 2. To provide free breakfast and afterschool clubs for those families who need it. Impacted on confidence, self esteem and behaviour. Children are fed and ready for school. Excellent – children are provided for and cared for. 3. To provide first class number in small groups and 1:1. Children's number skills developed. Gaps in learning were filled. When in a small group, more children were able to access the intervention. Good: Use of TA was effective in promoting pupils progress. 4. To deliver reading intervention in Key Stage Two. Children who took part made great progress, some over 6 months progress in 3 months. 5. To maintain an increased level of educational psychologist support bought in by the school EP support and advice is better. Enabled EHCPs to be completed. We can now focus on other children. Good: SENCO report excellent use of additional EP time. Children are catered for.
Nature of support 2015/16 Impact (based on summer term TA data) Evaluation 6. To provide additional, targeted support through teaching assistants. Impacted on confidence in class. Both pre-teaching and interventions have been implemented. Pre-teaching has been a successful initiative. Good: High impact for children. 7. To provide funding for children to learn a musical instrument. Children were able to take up a musical instrument. Improved self-esteem. Good: children were able to take up a musical instrument and sustain it. 8. To provide an extra swimming teacher to enable all children to swim 25 metres. Children who didn’t achieve 25 metres in year 4 swam again in year 5. Excellent : all children swam 25 metres. The children who have swam for two years made excellent progress. 9. To provide an extra class teacher in year six. The impact of the pupil premium grant has been good. Children were taught in small classes. These children made great progress. Data cannot be compared as the tests changed. Good: 2016 SAT results were above the National Average.
Nature of support 2015/16 Impact (based on summer term TA data) Evaluation 10. To provide 1:1 tuition from a class teacher after school. Children made good progress. Children in year six were targeted for English and Maths. Good: staff are generous with their time. Children made good progress and really benefited from the 1:1 teaching. The majority of the children targeted met the standard. Overall There has been a positive impact on the use of PPG, not only for children on FSM, but other children too. Gaps are closing throughout school. .