WINGRAVE SCHOOL MENU ORDER FORM £2.30 PER DAY June - July 2016 Child’s Name Week 4 06/06/16 M T W F Child’s Class V JP Free School Meal Tick if applicable Child’s Name Week 1 13/06/16 M T W F Child’s Class V JP Free School Meal Tick if applicable THIS SHEET STARTS ON WEEK 2 If ordering for the first week, please return your order by Wednesday 22nd May 2016. If ordering free meals, please order up to the end of half term if possible KS1 pupils DO NOT have to pay as entitled to UIFSM. Please make cheques payable to Alliance In Partnership or AIP. To cancel a lunch (even if free meals) please call AIP before 9.30am on 07805 696164 Contact Number ……………………………………………. Child’s Name Week 2 20/06/16 M T W F Child’s Class V JP Free School Meal Tick if applicable Child’s Name Week 3 27/06/16 M T W F Child’s Class V JP Free School Meal Tick if applicable Child’s Name Week 4 04/07/16 M T W F Child’s Class V JP Free School Meal Tick if applicable Child’s Name Week 1 11/07/16 M T W F Child’s Class V JP Free School Meal Tick if applicable Child’s Name Week 2 18/07/16 M T W F Child’s Class V JP Free School Meal Tick if applicable