BELL RINGER On a separate piece of paper, define the following in your own words: Culture Exaggerate Imitate Influence Generation
Answers To affect others’ views or actions To speak of something being greater than what it is. Relating to the customs or beliefs of a group of people To copy or follow the example of A group of people born and living around the same time.
Myths, Legends, Fables, Tall Tales and Fairytales and Other Traditional Tales!
FOLKTALES Traditional tales based on the traditions and beliefs of people Were originally told orally Usually teach a life lesson or moral Often use animal characters to symbolize or represent human qualities
KINDS OF FOLKTALES Myths Legends Tall Tales Fables Fairy Tales Include gods & goddesses, superhuman and heroes Explain natural events Magical creatures Teach a lesson Based on real people who may lived a long time ago Tells about their heroic actions or deeds Exaggerated Main character must solve a problem Superhuman ability Funny Animals act like people 3 or fewer characters Ends with a lesson or moral Aesop wrote many fables Royalty Magical elements Once upon a time Happily ever after Often from Europe
EXAMPLES OF FOLKTALES Myths Legends Tall Tales Fables Fairy Tales Midas touch Zeus Demeter and Persephone Clash of the Titans King Arthur Robin Hood Johnny Apple-seed Trojan Horse St. Patrick Paul Bunyan Pecos Bill Annie Oakley Davy Crockett Tortoise and the Hare Fox and the Crow Ant and the Grasshopper Cinderella Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The Little Mermaid Goldilocks and the Three Bears
What are myths? Myths are stories that try to explain how our world works and how we should treat each other. They are usually set in times long ago, before history as we know it was written. People have always asked questions like “How did our world come to be?” or “Why is the ocean blue?” Some myths answered these questions.
What are legends? Legends are also fictional stories, but they are different from myths. Myths are about how the natural world works, and are set in an ancient time. Legends are based on real people who lived in more recent times and are mentioned in history. Legends are told for a purpose and are based on facts, but they are not completely true.
What are fables? A fable is another type of story, also passed down from generation to generation and told to teach a lesson about something. A fable usually ends with a moral, or a short sentence with a lesson about life.
What are fables? Fables are often about animals, plants, and natural forces like thunder or wind, that can talk and act like people. The most famous fables were written by a man from ancient Greece called Aesop. We know them as Aesop’s Fables, and he wrote more than 600 of them. The story of The Tortoise and the Hare was written by him.
What are fairy tales? Fairy tales are stories written specially for children, often about magical characters such as elves, fairies, goblins and giants. Sometimes the characters are animals.
Guess the Folktale
What is the difference? Using the Venn Diagram, write the similarities and differences between two folktales.
The End