Paper-Based Diagnostic Device Team Members: Ben Hagarty (MSE), Nick Dudak (MSE), Qi Sun (EE), Jingxuan Sun (EE) – May 14-26a Advisers/Clients: Dr. Santosh Pandey (EE), Dr. Rebecca Cademartiri (MSE), Dr. Ludovico Cademartiri (MSE) Paper pH Testing – pH Hydrion Salivary Amylase – Yamaguchi Problem Statement: Paper-based pH test kits currently include only a single type of test which limits the value the kit provides to the customer Current State of the Market: Create a multi-functional paper-based test kit for human saliva to test pH and amylase to give a preliminary indication of disease. Solution Intended Users and Uses Those people especially at risk from problems caused by poor dental hygiene such as in developing countries or the impoverished Those with genetic predisposition to oral disease Those in high stress environments Those at risk of schizophrenia Design Requirements Functional Multifunctional device 5 mL of volume used No power needed Colorimetric output One-time use Non-Functional Paper substrate Portable Quick, easy, and safe to use Relatively inexpensive (~$5 ) Kit Components Saliva collector Test strips Paper substrate with wax barriers and lamination Test chemicals pre-deposited Indicator for pH ; Substrate for Amylase Color Reference Strip D. Smartphone App Based on iOS Image color comparison Testing Kit Instructions for Use 1. Dip strip into saliva 3. Compare to reference strip or use app to measure value 2. Remove and wait for color to change Design Requirements Amylase was chosen due to relatively high levels in human saliva. Biomarker for several medical issues Pancreatitis, mumps, renal failure Pre-diagnostic tool, not final diagnosis Proof of concept for other paper-based salivary diagnostics Amylase Overview Color Detector App Description Operating System: iOS® Language: Objective C® Created by X-code®: a suite of software development tools for Apple devices The app is able to determine the color produced by test via an iPhone® photo This color is then compared to reference values to determine the test result Color Detection App Instructions 3a) Visual readout by User or 3b) Digital Readout with iPhone® Application Design Approach Test Strip Construction 1. Design of several strips made 2. Printed with wax printer and heated to melt through 4. Chemicals for each test are applied 3. Lamination is applied to front and back Acknowledgements Zach Njus, Isaac Johns, Suhuai Song, Dr. Meng Lu – Dept. of Electrical Engineering; Dr. Joseph Burnett, Dept. of Chemistry