L4: Effect of pH on Amylase Rate of Reaction Learning Objectives: Required Practical 4: Investigate the effect of pH on the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction.
Required Practical 4 We are going to investigate the effect of pH on the enzyme action of amylase. What does amylase digest? How do we test for starch? How will we test whether pH has an effect on enzyme function? How will you compare the rates of the reaction?
Required Practical 4 Amylase breaks down starch into glucose. We can test for starch using iodine solution (turns blue/black if starch is present). We will time how long it takes for the starch to be completely digested by the amylase under different pH conditions. The longer the time, the slower the rate.
Effect of pH on Amylase Rate of Reaction Purpose: We are going to investigate how pH effects the rate of amylase catalysed break down of starch. Hypothesis: Independent variable (we change) – Dependent variable (we measure) – Control variables (fair test) –
Effect of pH on Amylase Rate of Reaction Purpose: We are going to investigate how pH effects the rate of amylase catalysed break down of starch. Hypothesis: make a prediction Independent variable (we change) – pH Dependent variable (we measure) – the rate (measure time taken to fully break down starch) Control variables (fair test) – amount of starch, amount of amylase, temperature
Homework: Plot a graph of your results from the practical. Write a one paragraph conclusion.