Planning Case 3 A 59 Year old male who is concerned about small, sharp teeth and ongoing difficulty with chewing. The patient started treatment for tooth wear at a London undergraduate teaching hospital but this was abandoned as it was taking too long. He has no relevant medical history. The patient wants to improve the function and appearance of his teeth.
Planning Case 3 There are some composite filling remnants on the lower anterior teeth. The upper anterior teeth were prepared for crowns but these were not fitted and the temporary crowns fell off. There was some GIC on the posterior teeth. The patient has a Class I skeletal pattern with a Class III incisal relationship and a reverse OJ at UR2-UL3 (forward posturing). The oral oral hygiene was fair. BPE scores of 2 were recorded for each sextant. There were minimal plaque and calculus deposits present.
Planning Case 3
Planning Case 3
Initial short-term management plan Please consider: Initial short-term management plan Options for definitive treatment plan Visit to sign up for the Spring Scientific meeting and the interactive case discussion.