Student Guide How to help you succeed This is what previous students said they wanted
Testing & Checking Exam Success Rewards and Sanctions Plan your study time Diet Be creative Testing & Checking
Planning What is your exam schedule? Organisation of time. Schedule organised in advance of time.
Rewards and Sanctions Used to them at school – ask your parents to help set them up Praise is better than the stick
Testing Test yourself on passages they have learned. Key facts. Ask them how do they know they have learned something. Key facts. Format of all your exams?
Diet Brain foods Hydration Caffeine Sleep
Exams & Revision
Nobody likes them! Nobody enjoys the process of sitting an exam. -age -ability -intelligence Pre-exam stress effects everybody. Preparation is vitally important. The idea of spending time preparing for something you don’t like seems ridiculous. We are trying to avoid the following:
Or this….
Or my favourite….
Why revise 24 hours unless deliberate attempt to consolidate
Successful Revision
Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic
Visual I see what you mean. I want a different perspective. Let’s look at this closely. Try to see things my way. Things are looking up. Turn a blind eye. Visual
Auditory We’re on the same wavelength. I hear what you’re saying. Lost for words. Sounds good to me. Tone it down. That’s music to my ears. Auditory
Kinaesthetic I’m ready to tackle this head on. I’ve got a feel for the place. I need a hand. Can you grasp the idea? Let’s walk through this step by step. They really rub me up the wrong way. Kinaesthetic
Use visual materials such as pictures, charts, maps, graphs. Visual Learners: Use visual materials such as pictures, charts, maps, graphs. Use colour to highlight important points in text. Make notes. Use colour coding for notes. Illustrate your ideas as a picture or brainstorming bubble before writing them down. Write a story and illustrate it. Use multi-media (e.g. laptops, DVD’s, youtube, podcasts). Study in a quiet place away from verbal disturbances. Read illustrated books. Visualise information as a picture to aid memorization. Watch TV documentaries.
Auditory Learners: Participate in discussions/debates about the topic you are trying to learn. Make speeches and presentations. Use a tape recorder to record your own notes. Read text out loud. Create musical jingles/raps to aid memorization. Create mnemonics to aid memorization. Discuss your ideas verbally with someone else. Dictate to someone while they write down your thoughts. Use verbal analogies, and story telling to demonstrate your point.
Kinaesthetic Learners: Take frequent study breaks. Move around to learn new things (e.g. read while on an exercise bike, or walking). Work at a standing position. Put the main points on cards then sort in different ways. Chew gum while studying. Do demonstrations, role plays and acting. Use drawings, write things down, draw diagrams. Use bright colours to highlight reading material. Dress up your work space with posters. If you wish, listen to music while you study. Use the process of look, cover, remember, write. Skim through reading material to get a rough idea what it is about before settling down to read it in detail.
Creativity Left side and right side brain gym activities What type of learner are they? Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic Revision in a creative way and fun way Podcasts Mindmaps Pathways around the house