Learning Styles Workshop 5th Grade ICAP With your Elementary School Counselor! Denver Public Schools Individual Career and Academic Plan, ICAP
Learning Styles… What are they? Learning styles are simply different approaches or ways of learning. Each student has an individualized learning style which is presumed to allow that individual to learn best. A learning style has 18+ dimensions (preferences for temperature, light, food intake, biorhythms, working with others, deep and surface approaches, etc). Today we will concentrate on one preference - your preference for taking in, and putting out information in a learning environment. Although it is only a part of learning style, this is considered an important part because people can do something about it. Some of the other 18+ dimensions are not as easy to change.
QUIZ (for fun! It is not a test!) What’s Your Learning Style?
Look at the letters… If you answered most of the questions with a letter A; your predominant learning style is VISUAL. If you answered most of the questions with a letter B; your predominant learning style is AUDITORY. If you answered most of the questions with a letter C; your predominant learning style is KINESTHETIC.
Fleming’s VAK Model of Learning Styles Visual Learner Auditory Learner Kinesthetic Learner
Visual Learners If you have a visual learning style, you learn by seeing and looking. Visual learners usually: Take numerous detailed notes Tend to sit in the front Are usually neat and clean Often close their eyes to visualize or remember something Find something to watch if they are bored Like to see what they are learning Benefit from illustrations and presentations that use color
Auditory Learners If you have an auditory learning style, you learn by hearing and listening. Auditory learners usually: Sit where they can hear but needn't see what is happening in front May not coordinate colors or clothes, but can explain why they are wearing what they are wearing and why Hum or talk to themselves or others when bored Acquire knowledge by reading aloud Remember by verbalizing lessons to themselves
Kinesthetic Learners If you have a kinesthetic learning style, you learn by doing and touching. Kinesthetic learners usually: Need to be active and take frequent breaks Remember what was done, but have difficulty recalling what was said or seen Find reasons to tinker or move when bored Rely on what they can directly experience or perform Enjoy field trips and tasks that involve manipulating materials Communicate by touching and appreciate physically expressed encouragement, such as a pat on the back
Does knowing your learning style contribute to improved learning? Not necessarily! In the same way that knowing you have a disease does not cure the disease or weighing yourself does not fix obesity. It is the next step that is important… When people make changes to their learning based on their learning style, their learning will be enhanced. They do this by using strategies that align with their preferences. It is what you do after you learn your preferences that has the potential to make a difference.
Tips for Visual Learners Use visual materials such as pictures, charts, maps, graphs, etc. Have a clear view of your teachers when they are speaking so you can see their body language and facial expression Use color to highlight important points in text Take notes or ask your teacher to provide handouts Illustrate your ideas as a picture or brainstorming bubble before writing them down Write a story and illustrate it Use multi-media (e.g. computers, videos, and filmstrips) Study in a quiet place away from verbal disturbances Read illustrated books Visualize information as a picture to aid memorization
Careers for Visual Learners Editor/Copy-Editor Teacher Visual Artist/Graphic Designer Architect Nurse/Doctor Engineer Medical Lab Technician Interior Designer Mechanic Photographer/Videographer
Tips for Auditory Learners Participate in class discussions/debates Make speeches and presentations Use a tape recorder during lectures instead of taking notes Read text out aloud Create musical jingles to aid memorization Create mnemonics to aid memorization Discuss your ideas verbally Dictate to someone while they write down your thoughts Use verbal analogies, and story telling to demonstrate your point
Careers for Auditory Learners Speech Pathologist Teacher Lawyer Translator Journalist Engineer Nurse/Doctor Therapist/Psychologist TV personality Radio DJ
Tips for Kinesthetic Learners Take frequent study breaks Move around to learn new things (e.g. read while on an exercise bike, mold a piece of clay to learn a new concept) Work at a standing position Chew gum while studying Use bright colors to highlight reading material Dress up your work space with posters If you wish, listen to music while you study Skim through reading material to get a rough idea what it is about before settling down to read it in detail.
Careers for Kinesthetic Learners Athlete Farmer Carpenter PE Teacher Coach Mechanic Machinist Mass Production Engineer
In the Classroom… What is the next step? Now that you understand your learning style let your teachers know. Together you can strategize the most effective ways to learn your course material. By using a variety of teaching methods from each of these categories, teachers are able to accommodate different learning styles. They are also able to challenge students to learn in different ways.