VDI-in-a-Box Version 5.4
VDI-in-a-Box Обзор
Виртуальные рабочие станции менее чем за $500 на одного пользователя VDI Всё-в-одном Простота установки Простота в использование Простота в управление Простота в расширение I’d like to introduce VDI-in-a-Box, an affordable all-in-one VDI software solution that delivers high-performance, high-definition virtual desktops for Small and Mid-sized Businesses. VDI-in-a-Box eliminates the high cost, IT resources and complexity of server virtualization components required by other VDI solutions. VDI-in-a-Box is… Simple to Install - Just load it on a commodity server, configure the desktop templates, the users and you’re ready to go in less than 2 hours; Simple to Manage - Using the included vdiMgr, web-based, centralized point-and-click management console; and Simple to Scale - With its patent-pending grid architecture, you just add more servers. Simple to Use - Login from over 2B devices, and a virtual desktop is readily available; For less than the cost of a PC, VDI-in-a-Box provides easily managed and secure virtual desktops with an immediate ROI instead of the 2-3 years typical with other solutions. Let me show you how we do it …
Просто, доступно, VDI appliance всё-в-одном Virtual Desktop Virtual Desktop Virtual Desktop Virtual Desktop Virtual Desktop Доступ с любого устройства ч/з Citrix Receiver Pooled and Personal desktops Все компоненты “enterprise” уровня: Отказоустойчивость Расширение по требованию Брокер сессий Dynamic provisioning Балансировка нагрузки Linked clones Citrix HDX user experience Поддержка открытой архитектуры: Citrix XenServer Microsoft Hyper-V VMware vSphere (ESXi) Industry standard server: Uses local direct attach storage (DAS) Не надо MSFT Server O/S или SQL DB Citrix HDX Technologies VDI-in-a-Box User Management Dynamic Desktop Provisioning & Management Template Management Connection Broker Logical Shared Storage Load Balancer High-Availability Grid Engine vdiManager Hypervisor VDI-in-a-Box eliminates the need for expensive infrastructure by consolidating the different moving parts required to deliver virtual desktops - such as connection brokers, load balancers, and provisioning servers, into a single software appliance that can run on any industry standard server. This solution also eliminates the need for shared storage and delivers built-in high-availability using inexpensive local storage that is included on standard servers. This eliminates over 60% of VDI costs, and enables a simple and affordable desktop virtualization solution. VDI-in-a-Box moves all the traditional VDI components into a single integrated software appliance. [ENTER] Start with a bare-metal server with direct-attached storage - no Microsoft server O/S is required. [ENTER] Next, add your choice of hypervisor – XenServer, Hyper-V or vSphere. [ENTER] Import the VDI-in-a-Box software appliance and you are ready to configure the desktops. [ENTER] All VDI infrastructure is built-in: from connection brokering and load-balancing to provisioning. Even high-availability is built-in. To scale, you simply add more industry standard servers and run VDI-in-a-Box on them – this forms a “grid” that you can manage centrally through the vdiManager console. So that’s the back-end. For the front-end, VDI-in-a-Box uses the Citrix Receiver to securely project these virtual desktops to almost any device: desktop PCs, laptops, thin-clients, tablets and smartphones.
Снижает стоимость инфраструктуры на 60% Снижает стоимость инфраструктуры на 60% Datacenter infrastructure Multiple components Many different IT skillsets Systems Integration Windows infrastructure Industry-standard servers Windows Admin All-in-one, built-in By re-writing the VDI software from the ground up and moving all the hardware components into the virtual appliance, VDI-in-a-Box removes 60% of the infrastructure required by traditional VDI. This is what makes it possible to provide virtual desktops for less than the cost of PCs. VDI-in-a-Box eliminates the management servers, connection brokers and the load balancers. But the biggest advantage is that it eliminates the requirement for shared storage and clustered SQL databases and yet still provides built-in High Availability! No other solutions can make that claim. This makes it possible for a desktop IT admin to install and manage the solution without requiring network, storage and extensive virtualization expertise. To deploy VDI-in-a-Box, start with a bare-metal server (no Microsoft O/S required) with built-in direct-attached storage and add your choice of hypervisor. Import the VDI-in-a-Box software appliance and you are ready to configure the desktops. And of course it does this for less than $500/desktop. Finally VDI-in-a-Box is the only true VDI appliance .. You simply add more servers and nothing more to scale the grid to support more desktops.
Работает с другими продуктами Citrix vdiManager Работает с другими продуктами Citrix GoToAssist Лицензия включает: Full HDX stack Receiver Profile Management XenServer Работает с… NetScaler Access Gateway XenApp GoToAssist ShareFile License Server StoreFront XenMobile Citrix Profile Manager Remote Task Worker VDI-in-a-Box XenServer User Profile Manager NetScaler Access Gateway HDX User Data Active Directory (optional) Local Knowledge Worker VDI-in-a-Box leverages the full spectrum of Citrix technologies to provide best manageability and end-user experience. The full HDX stack is built-in, as is support for Citrix receivers; along with full certification with Citrix NetScaler/Access Gateway. This allows end-users to access their desktops from anywhere, anytime. VDI-in-a-Box is also certified to work with the Citrix Profile Management, providing an easy and reliable way to manage user personalization settings in your virtualized Windows environments. Local Task Worker
Что нового в VDI-in-a-Box 5.4
VDI-in-a-Box 5.4 Release Theme Simple and affordable, personal VDI running on latest Windows & hypervisors, with power tools for IT
5.4 все возможности Latest Windows & Hypervisors Advanced Use Cases Windows 8.1 virtual desktops Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual desktops Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V VMware vSphere 5.5 Latest Windows & Hypervisors Shared storage support on Hyper-V 2012 and 2012 R2 Built-in HTML5 device support Multiple computer domains Shared account desktops as template property Wizard-driven migration to Citrix XenDesktop Advanced Use Cases Image Save As Change images for existing pooled-desktop templates SSL certificate improvement: multiple host names SSL certificate improvement: install existing certificates Remote Assistance support Enhanced IT Experience Note 1: Tier 1 languages are: English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Simplified Chinese
Последние версии Windows & Hypervisors
Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual desktops Same Citrix HDX component between VDI-in-a-Box 5.4 and XenDesktop 7.1 HDX and RDP connections to latest Windows client and server OSes Business Benefits: HDX user experience now available on latest Windows OS Service providers are able to provide Windows-as-a-Service using SPLA
Работает на всех последних версиях гипервизоров Используйте последние версии гипервизоров Добалена поддержка для Microsoft Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V VMware vSphere 5.5 Преимущества для бизнеса: Будьте в курсе независимо какой гипервизор вы используете All the three latest hypervisors released in recent months will be supported: Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Hyper-V, VMware vSphere/ESX 5.5, and XenServer 6.2. VDI-in-a-Box 5.2 allows our customers to stay current with the latest hypervisor technologies .
Расширенные Варианты использования
Shared storage on Hyper-V 2012 and 2012 R2 Added shared storage support on Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V and 2012 R2 Hyper-V Shared storage support on two out of three supported hypervisors: VMware vSphere Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V Business Benefits: Works with customers’ existing investment in SAN and other storage solutions
Встроенная поддержка HTML5 Устройства без Citrix Receiver теперь могут работать с VDI-in-a- Box через встроенный HTML5 Receiver Не нужно дополнительно устанавливать StoreFront
Поддержка нескольких доменов Создавайте любое количество PC в доменах и назначайте образ для разных PC
Follow-me desktops as template property Turn on/off follow-me desktops per template Allows a shared user account for students and more personal, follow- me desktops for teachers Business Benefits: In a shared lab setting, create follow-me desktops for teachers while providing shared user account to students
Мастер миграции на Citrix XenDesktop Экспорт образов из ViaB в XD Создание PowerShell скриптов для копирования VIAB шаблонов конфигурации и назначенного пользователям в XenDesktop окружение
Enhanced IT experience
Улучшенный мастер создания SSL Image Save As Поддержка мульти-доменных сертификатов Сохранить текущий образ под новым именем Простота в создание Р/К образа или безопасные эксперименты с обелениями и патчами
Change images for pooled-desktop templates Edit an existing template for pooled desktops and reassign its based image Works with Image Save As to pilot image updates with selected users before rolling out to all users Business Benefits: Streamlined IT workflow to pilot image updates before rolling out to production users
Improved SSL certificate wizard Upload and install an existing SSL certificate Specify multiple host names when creating new CA-signed certificate No need for command line and Java keytool any more! Business Benefits: Install and manage new or existing SSL certificates the easy way Use existing SSL certificate: a PKCS12 format is required for uploading the certificate file. Multiple host names when creating new CA-signed cert: this is “Subject Alternate Name” in SSL lingo.
Удаленная поддержка Позволяет службе поддержки удаленно подключаться к пользовательской сессий с помощью функции удаленного помощника Microsoft Интегрировано в VDI-in-a-Box Admin консоль Sometimes the best way to fix a problem is to have someone show you how … Преимущества для бизнеса: Helpdesk может предложить пользователям удаленную помощь в режиме реального времени
References For latest colleteral: http://www.citrix.com/skb Select VDI-in-a-Box from left panel To learn more about Citrix VDI-in-a-Box http://www.citrix.com/vdi-in-a-box/try-it To view videos on Citrix VDI-in-a-Box http://www.citrixtv.com/ Select VDI-in-a-Box channel For detailed guides related to Citrix VDI-in-a-Box http://support.citrix.com/vdi-in-a-box To access the latest collateral, please go to www.citrix.com/skb, and select VDI-in-a-Box from the left panel. To download a free trial, please go to Citrix.com select Products and VDI-in-a-Box. For more instructions, please see the Getting started with VDI-in-a-Box series of videos on Citrixtv.com or see our documentation at support.citrix.com/vdi-in-a-box.