1920-1939 The U.S. returns to its traditional foreign policy of….. NEUTRALITY
Neutrality We want to be neutral because we were not happy with the results of WWI This is another reason why we didn’t join the League Return to Normalcy…The Gov’t decided to stay out of EVERYTHING, both foreign and domestic No more wars, no more regulating of businesses The Progressive Era is over
“Return to Normalcy” Warren G. Harding Return to neutrality No more business reform End of Progressive Era
Presidents of the 1920’s Warren Harding Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover Did NOTHING
“”The Business of America is business
The 20’s Teapot Dome Scandal-people in Harding’s administration illegally leased lands for $....this and all scandals leads to a lack of faith in the govt. Tariff rates were raised False prosperity, the countries economy seemed to be doing well but it was on shaky ground Farmers still suffered
Henry Ford The Assembly line Made cars cheaper Mass Production A car in every driveway Stimulated other industries Glass Rubber Steel
Causes of the Depression Over Speculation-people invested all of their money in the market Mass consumption-people bought all kinds of things that they didn’t need Credit Buying/Installment Buying Uneven Distribution of wealth
Social Life in the 20’s Flappers: women who challenged traditional roles Short hair Smoked Drank
Harlem Renaissance Time of great achievements by African-American writers and musicians
Langston Hughes A great writer
The Blues
Sacco & Vanzetti Two Italians who were accused of murder No real proof Were convicted because of their heritage Also because they were admitted Communists Part Nativism Part Red Scare
Sacco & Vanzetti
Restrictions on Immigration Quotas-a limit on the # of immigrants Chinese Exclusion Act Gentlemen's Agreement: kept the Japanese out We also didn’t want southern or eastern Europeans
Scopes Trial John Scopes A Science teacher who taught evolution in Tennessee The district told him to stop He refused Conflict of science vs. religion The religious fundamentalists won
The Great Depression: Causes Uneven Distribution of Wealth Over speculation Credit Buying Lack of Govt involvement Overconsumption
The Crash Throughout the 20’s the market had been growing In late 1929 the market started to slip People panicked Took their money out of banks Sold stocks for losses Hoover does nothing to help
Crash leads to Depression Effects of the Depression Unemployment Poverty
Hoovervilles Name given to the slums that people lived in during the Depression
Culture of the Depression Spectator Sports- baseball Movies-Gone With the Wind, the Wizard of Oz Books-The Grapes of Wrath; John Steinbeck Literature often reflects the times in which it was created
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Roosevelt A cousin of Teddy The anti-Hoover 100 days: In his first 100 days he proposes more programs and laws then Hoover, Harding and Coolidge combined
The New Deal Name given to FDR’s programs These program were designed to provide relief to Americans who were feeling the wrath of the Depression
New Deal Programs CCC: provided jobs in infrastructure TVA: provided hydroelectric power to the Tennessee Valley region FDIC: Insured bank deposits Social Security: Provided income for the elderly
Fair Labor Act Also known as the Wagner Act: allowed for collective bargaining. Collective Bargaining is when union leaders and business owners negotiate contracts.
The New Deal and the Court The Supreme Court declares many New Deal Programs to be Unconstitutional Schlecter Poultry vs. U.S.: declares the National Recovery Act Unconstitutional AAA: Agricultural Adjustment Act also was declared Unconstitutional
Court Packing Scam FDR reacted to the court by trying to “pack” it with his supporters. He wanted to add justices to the court that would support his plans. The Senate doesn’t allow this A classic example of checks and balances
Critics of the New Deal Said that it didn’t help minorities or women Many say that it didn’t cure the Depression but that WWII did