Division of Health Care Finance Michael Randol, Director
Discussion Topics KanCare Overview Features and Benefits Partnerships- KDHE, KDADS, MCO KanCare Going Forward
KanCare - Current KanCare 1115 Waiver Project In year 4 of a 5 year demonstration 95% of populations and services included Break down silos of care Improve quality/outcomes while bending cost curve down Provide integrated, coordinated care Increased emphasis on health, wellness, prevention, early detection and early intervention
KanCare Composition
KanCare Populations *HCBS Services includes Autism, Severe Emotional Disturbance, Technology Assisted, and Traumatic Brain Injury **Long Term Care includes Nursing Facilities, Money Follows the Person Frail Elderly and Physically Disabled, and the Physically Disabled and Frail Elderly Waivers
Key Features of KanCare Coordinating care for the whole person Clear accountability Improving health outcomes Consolidation of financing
Whole Person-Centered Care Coordination No reduction in current levels of Medicaid services and eligibility New services include: Heart and lung transplants for adults Weight-loss surgery Valued-added services In lieu of services Options counseling
Improving Outcomes Through the contracts with the managed care organizations (MCOs), we are focused on: Lessening reliance on institutional care Decreasing re-hospitalizations Managing chronic conditions Improving access to health services
Financing Consolidation Move almost the entirety of Medicaid into a capitated risk-based managed care system KanCare contractors will be rewarded for paying for preventive care that keeps people healthy
KanCare Benefits for Kansas Added new services and benefits (Bariatric surgery, heart and lung transplants and Value Added Services) 2013 through 2015 Total members getting value added services Total units of value added services provided Total value of value added services provided Combined three KanCare MCOs 520,515 1,722,637 $14,634,532
KanCare - Utilization Comparison
KanCare Cost Comparison
KDHE Single State Medicaid Agency. Responsible to CMS for all Medicaid programs, policy and implementation decisions Manages FFS and Medical programs (non-Medicaid) Works collaboratively with KDADs Provides oversight of MCOs
KDADS Manages community based programs policy and eligibility (such as HCBS, Mental Health, and SUD) Licensing and credentialing for community programs Nursing facilities, and PACE Senior care act, Medicare programs Oversees state hospitals (OSH, Larned, Parsons and KNI)
MCOs Contracts with providers to ensure services are delivered to our members Manage provider network to ensure service provision (contracting and Credentialing) Coordinate care in community and transitions between in-patient services Provide health literacy and preventive services Assist in identifying and supporting members with special health care needs (complex health needs, disabilities, mental health or substance use treatment needs)
KanCare Renewal - Process Conduct Renewal Stakeholder Forums May 2016 Develop Draft Renewal Application June-July 2016 Post Application for Review and Tribal Consultation Aug.-Sept. 2016 Renewal Application Submitted to CMS November 2016 CMS Public Notice & Consultation With State Throughout 2017 CMS Decision & Special Terms and Conditions Issued By 12.31.17
KanCare – Potential Changes Continued improvement in coordination and integration of care Payment based on outcomes and value Waiver Integration
KanCare Website http://www.kancare.ks.gov/