Introduction to Barracuda IM Firewall
Two Security Products in One Public IM Management Manages traffic from public IM clients, including AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN & Windows Live Messenger, and ICQ Transparent to users Internal IM Client/server Standards-based XMPP IM client/server solution Included Barracuda IM Client on Windows, Mac, Linux Encrypted internal IM Includes transports to public IM services Barracuda IM Firewall Readers Trust Award Best IM Security Solution
Time to regulate IM usage for business needs Results from survey of employers 35% of employees use IM at work Only 31% of organizations have IM policy in place, and only 13% retain IM business records 50% of workplace users download free IM tools; 26% of employers aren’t aware of it Left Unchecked, IM usage can Expose an organization to security breach Introduce viruses and malware via file transfer Leak sensitive information to unauthorized users
Barracuda IM Firewall Benefits PROTECT IM FROM MALWARE • Scan file transfers for viruses • Set policy to block file transfer completely • Log file transfers PROTECT IM FROM MALWARE ENCRYPT INTERNAL IM RETAIN AND RECORD IM FOR COMPLIANCE EASY DEVELOPMENT
Barracuda IM Firewall Benefits ENCRYPT INTERNAL IM • Keep internal IM off public networks • Prevent information leakage • Secure communication PROTECT IM FROM MALWARE ENCRYPT INTERNAL IM RETAIN AND RECORD IM FOR COMPLIANCE EASY DEVELOPMENT
Barracuda IM Firewall Benefits RETAIN AND RECORD IM FOR COMPLIANCE • Log and audit all IM’s • Create policies to block IM • Archive IM to Barracuda Message Archiver PROTECT IM FROM MALWARE ENCRYPT INTERNAL IM RETAIN AND RECORD IM FOR COMPLIANCE EASY DEVELOPMENT
Barracuda IM Firewall Benefits EASY DEVELOPMENT • Zero configuration client • Easy roll out tools • Roster tool to push IM contact lists PROTECT IM FROM MALWARE ENCRYPT INTERNAL IM RETAIN AND RECORD IM FOR COMPLIANCE EASY DEVELOPMENT
Barracuda IM Client Unified client for all IM conversations Custom avatars and sounds Zero-configuration client Server integrates with LDAP Easy access to logged messages Runs on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux computers Barracuda Networks Confidential
Barracuda IM Firewall Web Interface Easy Intuitive Consistent Administration LDAP and Active Directory compatibility Easy client rollout tools Roster push tool can push IM contact lists out to users or groups Barracuda Networks Confidential
Barracuda IM Firewall Architecture Barracuda Networks Confidential
Summary Secure, internal IM communications Logging and retention of internal and public IM Gateway anti-virus scanning of IM file transfers No per user license fees Easy deployment Barracuda Networks Confidential