DBMS Programs MS SQL Server & MySQL
SQL Server SQL Server is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Comes with several tools Create & maintain databases, tables Create & maintain stored procedures, views, etc Create & maintain and schedule data backups Replication (eg, create a copy of the database) Create & maintain users, roles, etc
Server database System SQL Server is a server database system, as opposed to a desktop system such as MS Access Run on central server(s) Multiple users can access simultaneously Access through an application
MS SQL Server Edition Enterprise edition Express edition aimed towards large-scale data centers and data warehouse solutions Express edition free edition of SQL Server ideal for learning and building desktop and small server applications. Limited to 10GB storage per database. SQL Server Express with Tools
MySQL Editions MySQL Enterprise Edition MySQL Community Edition Commercial MySQL Community Edition Non-comercial mySQL Community server
Install https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver2014express Download Express with Tools (SQLEXPRWT) Or SQL Server Management Studio Express Need to register with a Microsoft account https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/windows/installer/5.7.html DO NOT forget your root password http://sqlfiddle.com/ No install but also no save slower due to network latency
Main administration console for SQL Server Allows both GUI and SQL scripts Can use to create as many databases as you like. Connect to as many databases on as many servers as you like. Careful that you don't accidentally run a script against the wrong server
Basic Tutorial Create database Create Table (first with GUI) From the Object Explorer, right click on the Databases folder and select New database Before we can add data to our database, we'll need to create at least one table. Create Table (first with GUI) From the correct database right click on the Tables icon and select Table... complete the details in the Column Name column, the Data Type column, and Allow Nulls column Set primary key Save and refresh
Add data There are many ways of getting data into your database Manually: Type data directly into your table rows. Copy/Paste: Similar to the previous option, but this one is where you copy data from another source (eg, excell), then paste it into a table in your database. Import: You can use the Import and Export Wizard to import data from another source. SQL Scripts: You can run a SQL script that contains all data to insert. – this is what we’ll use
SQL queries Create Table Insert into… values… Select… From … Where… Update … Set… Where… SQL is case insensitive CREATE = create