Doron Orbach UCMDB Product Manager UCMDB 9.05 – What’s New March 8th, 2012 Doron Orbach UCMDB Product Manager
UCMDB 9.05 – What’s New Performance / Support Matrix Discovery Usability Service Manager Integration Enhancements Improved CI Management Modeling Studio Precision Improvements New Reporting Options Knowledge Assets The UCMDB Browser UI provides its users with a simple 4-step recurrent approach, similar to any web-based search engine: Users search for items that interest them. They get results and locate those items. They can view those items from various and different angles with the use of information widgets. And they can decide to focus on another item or to refine/change their search. The main purpose of the UCMDB Browser is to allow users to search for CIs, in order to gain as much relevant information on those CIs as possible. Whether the user is a business owner requiring information concerning the specific business elements he is responsible for, or a networking expert requiring information on the networking layout for a specific zone, or even a CMDB administrator requiring unstructured complex information while on the go – the search is always at the forefront for all those activities. Search is performed in the most intuitive way possible using natural language, in the same manner as modern search engines work. The UCMDB Browser currently supports searches for CIs according to their ID, Display label, location, IP address or owner.
Performance & Support Matrix Enhancements UCMDB is now certified for installing an enterprise deployment onto a VMware ESXi 5 platform. Prior to version 9.05, only small and standard UCMDB deployments were supported on virtual servers*. UCMDB is now certified for running 200 Data Flow Probes against one UCMDB server [in environments with a model size of less than 14 million CIs and relationships]. Previously 100 Data Flow Probes were certified. UCMDB now supports sql server 2008 sp3 and sql server r2. UCMDB is certified to run on Microsoft Hyper-v for probe and server (small and medium deployments) UCMDB can run on the standard edition of win 2008 * For the complete list of hardware and software requirements, refer to the new HP Universal CMDB Support Matrix document.
Performance & Support Matrix Enhancements You can now cancel an operation, such as searching for CIs or calculating a TQL, if it is taking a long time to complete. Canceling the operation restores the user interface, enabling you to continue working. Cancel the operation
Discovery Usability You can now add a description for an IP address range on a Data Flow Probe to more easily differentiate between ranges. You can now add a new or cloned resource directly into an existing discovery package. Description of the ip range Add the Resource to the package
Discovery Usability You can now choose whether or not to "touch" or update the last access time of CIs after running discovery. By disabling touch, you can ensure that the information is added to the CIs but that their Last Access Time remains unchanged. This prevents the touch from affecting the aging mechanism for those CIs. The global filtering (that can filter Cis from being sent to the server) feature now includes the option for recursive filtering, enabling you to not only filter out a CI so that it is not included in the filter results, but also any of the selected CI's contained CIs or relationships.
Service Manager Enhancements The following enhancements were developed to significantly improve integration with HP Service Manager version 9.30 using the SM Content Pack UCMDB_Enhancement version 9.31. The UCMDB push engine capacity was improved from 1 to 6 million CIs and their relationships per TQL. When pushing data to SM, TQLs that hold multiple levels can be used, where previously only TQLs of two levels were supported.
Service Manager Enhancements Better visibility of warnings and error messages related to both population and push flows. Added the ability to re-push CIs that returned errors and warnings. Push Failed data to SM
Improved CI Management You can now clearly see CIs from external data sources (federated CIs) in a view, as these cis are now marked by a small icon when shown in a view. When searching for CIs, in the IT Universe, you can choose to search over select integration points.
Improved CI Management In the CI Type Manager, data model information for selected CI types and relationships can now be exported to Microsoft Excel (previously only the PDF format was available). You can now change or remove the key attributes of an existing CIT and switch the identification method, if the key attribute values for all instances of that CIT are unique.
Modeling Studio Improvements You can now set the starting time (or cron expression), and repeat intervals for the pattern-based model updates calculation. You can now export and import Pattern-based models using Package Manager. The underlying TQL query is added to the package. The model can later be imported to another UCMDB.
Modeling Studio Improvements When using the CMDB API, you can now specify the attributes to include in the results in a new Element Layout tab in the Query Node Properties dialog box. Select the attributes to retrieve using the API
Reporting Improvements All Compare reports (Compare CIs, Compare Snapshots, Compare Archives) can now be exported to Microsoft Excel format.
Reporting Improvements The new Compare Archives Report enables you to compare two archived topology reports or an archived report to the current version of the report. The report is available in the Custom Reports pane of the Reports module. For Configuration Manager users, the new Configuration Manager Policy Report displays Configuration Manager policy compliance level data within UCMDB. The report is available in the Custom Reports pane of the Reports module.
Knowledge Access The online help (accessed by clicking Help > UCMDB Help or Help on this page) was updated and includes better search capabilities, improved navigation, and cleaner Home page design with links to key tasks and concepts, PDFs, and community and support links. The following feature movie is available for version 9.05: Modeling Studio Enhancements for 9.05. This movie can be found, along with the feature movies from previous versions, in the root directory of the installation under the Product_Feature_Movies directory.
Thank you Doron Orbach UCMDB Product Manager