WP2 - INERTIA Distributed Multi-Agent Based Framework T2.4- Local and Global Energy Performance Modeling ENG - Hypertech S.A.
Task 2.4 Overview T2.4- Local and Global Energy Performance Modeling Duration: 13 Months (M6-M18) D2.3.1 Energy-related performance models for Local Building & Aggregator Hubs Report, Restricted (M12) D2.3.2 Energy-related performance models for Local Building & Aggregator Hubs Report, Restricted (M18) Lead Beneficiary: ENG (8), Involved Beneficiaries: CNET (2), ALMENDE (2), TUK (2), PPC (2), ENELSI (2)
T2.4 General Objectives/General Purpose To define an Integrated Energy Performance Model that extends current Energy Performance Models by incorporating and integrating multiple dimensions To examine the different aspects and domains that should be covered by the INERTIA Key Performance Indicators Framework To present a non – exhaustive list of fully fledged KPIs, that cover all the main aspects needed to be examined within the INERTIA project To provide the interconnection of the KPI framework with the INERTIA input parameters (data model), essential for the concrete calculation of the Performance Indicators To develop local and global performance models as part of the integrated INERTIA framework in order to represent and compute the performance of the DER (flexibility) negotiation and control operations. (Alignment with Flexibility Model)
T2.4 – Different Versions of the Deliverable Main Issues to be clearly defined. Two Versions of the Deliverable: D2.3.1 Energy-related performance models for Local Building & Aggregator Hubs (Due M12) Introduction on the KPIs framework General methodological approach INERTIA Key Performance Indicators Methodological Approach List of the main INERTIA KPIs Interconnection of KPIs framework with different INERTIA Components D2.3.2 Energy-related performance models for Local Building & Aggregator Hubs (Due M18) Alignment of the Performance Indicators framework to the INERTIA Data Model/ INERTI IAM (!!!!) Enrichment and final selection of the INERTIA KPIs ALMENDE: To provide a list of KPIs related to the Business & Flexibility domain of the Aggregator- Local Hub, when the control and optimization algorithm is over TUK: to provide the additional material needed for the alignment with the INERTIA CIM.
D2.3.1- Table of Contents D2.3.1 INERTIA Key Performance Indicators – Main Steps on the Work Introduction Key Performance Indicators and Metrics in General The INERTIA Performance Framework Key Performance Indicators & Metrics in INERTIA The INERTIA Data Collection Framework Conclusions 1. Introduction 2. Key Performance Indicators and Metrics in General 2.1 Multi-Tier Approach 2.2 Utilizing KPIs to measure Performance 3. The INERTIA Performance Framework 3.1 The INERTIA Holistic Approach 3.2 The INERTIA Performance Domains 3.3 The INERTIA Stakeholder’s Perspective 3.4 INERTIA Measurement vs. Modeling Approach 4. Key Performance Indicators & Metrics in INERTIA 5. The INERTIA Data Collection Framework 5.1 Types Of Data To be collected 5.2 The INERTIA Sensor Cloud & Data Management Process 5.3 INERTIA negotiation and control mechanism 5.4 The INERTIA Data Model 6. Conclusions
INERTIA KPI Framework - Main Aspects (I) Analysis based on: Different Performance Domains (!!!!) Energy Performance Domain (Physical Subsystem) Buildings and their energy - consumption/generation equipment Conversion Rate related parameters (CO2 emissions Rate) Analysis based on a Baseline Scenario Flexibility Performance Domain Contracted/Requested/ Provided Flexibility Candidate clients, clients enrolled, clients notified, clients responded, client declined In order to evaluate the response and reliability of the consumer portfolio
INERTIA KPI Framework - Main Aspects (II) Analysis based on: Different Performance Domains (!!!!) Business Operational Domain Enterprise processes and business goals Examine the way they impact human behavior and the cost/benefit analysis of energy usage Facility Manager and Aggregator: Main Business Stakeholders Comfort Performance Domain Occupancy Related Aspects User Preferences Related Performance Indicators Based on the Non accepted/Neglected Control Actions
INERTIA KPI Framework - Main Aspects (III) Analysis based on: Different INERTIA Stakeholders End Occupants Facility Manager Aggregator Distribution System Operator (D.S.O.) Different levels of granularity Temporal granularity (minutes, hours, days) Spatial granularity (MV level, LH level, zone level) Operational granularity (Price Zones, Operations, Devices) Occupants granularity (Occupant, groups of occupants)
INERTIA KPI Framework – Work In Progress Extraction of INERTIA Performance Indicators (Work on .xls file) Main fields to be covered (Based on INERTIA Methodological Approach): KPI ID: A unique ID for each KPI KPI Name: The name of the Performance Indicator KPI Description: A short description and the role KPI Calculation: Reference to the mathematical Model or the INERTIA Model KPI units: The unit of the Performance Indicator METRICS: Different metrics, needed for the estimation of the KPI METRIC CALCULATION BASED ON INPUT PARAMETERS: (If needed) Metric Units: The units of the metrics INPUT PARAMETERS: The interconnection with the INERTIA Data Model A holistic methodological approach for the estimation of KPIs Values
INERTIA Detailed KPI Framework Work on the Excel File - Presentation
T2.4 Dependencies – Required Contributions (M12-M18) Contribution from other WPs (WP1, WP2) and involved partners WP1: Requirements for the INERTIA Business Scenarios (Different Metrics Needed) WP1: INDESIT Smart Dishwasher (Performance Indicators for the specific Device) WP1: Sensors, Actuators, Metering Units for the extraction of the additional metrics WP2: INERTIA Data Model- Alignment of the INERTIA KPI framework to the INERTIA Data Model (Due M18) WP2 – Task 2.4: Integration of the INERTIA KPI Framework into the INERTIA Holistic Flexibility Model WP2 – Task 2.4: Alignment of the INERTIA KPI list with the control and optimization mechanism (Local Hub & Aggregator Hub level) of INERTIA framework. All involved partners will contribute in relation to the following : ENG : Task Leader, Aggregator related Business Aspects to be further examined, Final Version of the Deliverable CNET : Energy related Aspects, Business Related KPIs for the Facility Manager ALMENDE : Flexibility related Performance Indicators, Overall review on Business Performance Aspects (Aggregator-Local Hub) HYPERTECH : Occupant related/Comfort Performance Indicators PPC : Grid Related Aspects to be further examined (Grid Stakeholder of the project) ENELSI : In co-operation with ENG extraction of Business Indicators for the Aggregator (Aggregator Stakeholder) Task 2.4 actually reflects the work on task 2.5
T3.5 Work Plan for the next period Work in Parallel Final list of INERTIA Key Performance Indicators: First complete version of the INERTIA Key Performance Indicators (M12) (Based on the available material) Continuous fine-tuning of the work in order to extract a fully fledged approach (M18) Integration of the INERTIA Key Performance framework to the Holistic Flexibility Framework (M18) Alignment of INERTIA KPI framework with the INERTIA Data Model: Main Input Parameters needed for the calculation of the KPIs (M15) List of KPIs (& granularity) to be stored in INERTIA IAM for further evaluation (M15) Integration of the INERTIA KPI framework to the holistic INERTIA Component framework (M18)
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