NEIS Performance Framework Industry Consultation Paper 2017
3.1 Single NEIS Performance Score The single NEIS performance score could include three of the four current NEIS KPIs with performance against these KPIs weighted to produce a single overarching score. The weightings for each of the KPIs that are currently being considered are: KPI 1a (place usage) – 35 to 45 per cent KPI 2 (outcomes) – 50 to 60 per cent KPI 3 (quality) – 10 to 20 per cent. Proposal to exclude KPI 1b (exits)
3.1 Single NEIS Performance Score Discussion Questions A. What are your organisations’ thoughts on having a single performance score compared to individual KPIs (current arrangements)? B. Giving consideration to the proposed weightings bandwidths outlined above, what weightings would your organisation apply for the single NEIS performance? C. Does your organisation consider it appropriate to exclude KPI 1b (exits) from the performance score calculations?
KPI 1a – Place Utilisation Discussion Questions D. Which of the following approaches is preferred: undertaking Business Reallocation based on 31 December (six months) place utilisation or undertaking Business Reallocation based on 30 June (12 months) place utilisation? E. What are your organisation’s thoughts on using a ‘weighted’ method for calculating NEIS place allocations compared to a ‘point in time’ approach when measuring performance? F. Should Highly Disadvantaged Trial place allocations and places used be included in the calculation for KPI 1a?
KPI 2 – Post-Programme Outcomes Discussion Questions G. Does your organisation consider the above methodology (outcomes achieved compared to participants who could have achieved an outcome) appropriate? H. Is measuring performance on a contract to date basis appropriate for KPI 2?
KPI 3 – Quality Timeliness of services provided Deed compliance Accuracy of participant records, including NEIS Commencement paperwork, ESSWeb and documentary evidence Number of verified National Customer Service Line complaints Feedback through the Post-Programme Monitoring Survey.
KPI 3 – Quality Discussion Questions I. Do the proposed factors outlined above provide a holistic picture of quality and Deed compliance? Or are there other factors that could be considered when assessing performance against KPI 3? J. The approach outlined above would result in Account Managers applying a framework to assess quality. Does your organisation consider that a ‘qualitative’ assessment is appropriate? K. Or does your organisation think that ‘quantitative’ metrics should be built in? if so, what would these be?
4. Performance Benchmarks KPI 1a – providers should achieve place utilisation of at least 80 to 90 per cent over the financial year. KPI 2 – providers should achieve at least a 65 to 75 per cent outcome conversion rate at all times (contract to date figure). KPI 3 – providers should be achieving at least 75 to 85 per cent in regards to quality and compliance at all times.
4. Performance Benchmarks Discussion Questions L. The department is considering an overarching benchmark for provider performance between 74 and 82 per cent for the financial year. Is a benchmark in this range achievable, too high or should it be more aspirational to drive performance? M. If your organisation considers different benchmarks would be more suitable, what would those benchmarks be?
5. Other Factors Discussion Questions N. Does your organisation consider that the NEIS Performance Framework should adjust for labour market and geographical factors? If so, what would be the most appropriate mechanism for doing this? For example, regression model or utilising the national average as the benchmark for performance?