People and Communities Working Together to Raise Happy, Healthy Children A COMMUNITY INITIATIVE
Whether we are parents, grandparents, families without children, community leaders, business owners, farmers and ranchers, teachers, medical professionals, or government leaders – we all have a stake in getting this right. Even better, we can all make a contribution! Andre Corriveau, MD, MBA, FRCPC Chief Medical Officer of Health Province of Alberta A COMMUNITY INITIATIVE
WHY FOCUS ON CHILDREN? The prosperity of our communities depend on the health and well being of the next generation Investing wisely in children and families will ensure future generations of productive, responsible citizens There has been significant investment in children however, more focus has been on school age children and at risk families
The Early years are critical years Most important period for human development Lay the foundation for all later development Crucial for optimal brain development Impact lifelong learning, behaviour, health and well-being A COMMUNITY INITIATIVE
Pre-school programs School Post school/ Job training 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18 Return per $ Invested Rates of return graph This graph shows that every $1 invested in preschool programming yields a 800 per cent return. Every $1 invested in the school years yields a 200 per cent return and $1 invested in the post school years produces a 100 per cent return. Investing in young children yields huge economic returns and is the most cost effective human capital investment, as James Heckman, a Nobel Laureate in Economics — and many studies — have pointed out. Graph adapted from Founders’ Network (Carneiro, Heckman, Human Capital Policy, 2003) Heckman, J.J. (2006) The Economics of Investing in Early Childhood. Presentation given at The Niftey Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 8 February 2006 Age A COMMUNITY INITIATIVE
Community matters Relationships and experiences within the community shape optimum early development Children do better in cohesive community environments that are aware of the significance of early childhood development Children do better in cohesive community environments that value and support early childhood development A COMMUNITY INITIATIVE
Various funding sources/support Impetus – Sheep River Health Trust closer to home age of our population Partners moving this work forward as a network since 2010. Various funding sources/support SRHT Fraser mustard chair grant With Brain in Mind Rural Primary Care Network Alberta Education Grant High River & District Health Care Foundation In-Kind 2008
MEMBERS Preschools Pediatric Rehab Town of High River Child and Family Services Sheep River Health Trust McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association. Parent-Child Assitance Town of Black Diamond/Town of Turner Valley High Country Wellness Sheep River Library FCSS Daycares Alberta Health Services Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies Public Health Alberta Children’s Hospital Pediatric Rehab Healthy Minds, Healthy Children Mental Health Rural PCN Family Physicians Pediatricians Foothills Special Needs Association for Parents and Siblings Literacy for Life Foundation Wild Rose Community Connections Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society High River & District Health Care Foundation Reality Engine Norlien Foundation Town of High River High River 4C Coalition High River Public Library FCSS Parent Link Centre Municipal District Town of Okotoks Okotoks Recreation Centre Healthy Okotoks Coalition Okotoks Public Library Okotoks Healthy Family Resource Centre Christ the Redeemer Catholic School Division With Brain in Mind Foothills School Division Private Schools École Beausoleil
The foothills children’s wellness network is working to promote happy, healthy children Strengthen abilities of parents, caregivers and the communities to raise happy, healthy children Catch concerns early Help guide parents and caregivers to know where to go and what to do when they have concerns Support and learn from one another A COMMUNITY INITIATIVE
How do we… Move the work forward Influence the systems we work in Make a fundamental change to how we work
EVERYONE Prospective Partners Children are everyone’s business….we have to spread the word that we all need to take some responsibility for growing healthy, happy kids. ….even if we do not have any children or even if our children are grown. We can be conduits for sound information, for spreading the word about community services and for advocating for things that children need. Many voices are more effective. RCMP, Towns, Business, Community Members, Service Clubs, Libraries, Justice System, Recreational Clubs, Cultural Clubs A COMMUNITY INITIATIVE
Why is this important for you? A COMMUNITY INITIATIVE
http://www. albertafamilywellness http://www.albertafamilywellness.org/resources/video/how-brains-are-built-core-story-brain-development Alberta Family Wellness Initiative | AFWI www.albertafamilywellness.org The AFWI is pleased to announce the launch of our first animated video, which presents the core story of brain development in an
Whether we are parents, grandparents, families without children, community leaders, business owners, farmers and ranchers, teachers, medical professionals, or government leaders – we all have a stake in getting this right. Even better, we can all make a contribution! Andre Corriveau, MD, MBA, FRCPC Chief Medical Officer of Health Province of Alberta A COMMUNITY INITIATIVE