Payments Report Verification and Request March 2017 TEAM Program Payments Report Verification and Request March 2017
Introduction Beginning Teacher/Mentor Lists Entry dates BT/Mentor Matches Verify user accounts Monitoring Mentor Activities Mentor Meeting Logs Monitoring Tools Mentor Stipends Payments Report Determining the appropriate stipend amount Verifying the stipend Split Stipend Approving the payments report
Entry Dates A teacher’s Entry Date in TEAM is determined by the data entered into Educator Data System (EDS). Beginning teachers’ names displayed on the DF dashboard come from EDS and are based on teaching assignment and certification endorsement. The TEAM Program data used for the Payments Report starts with the accuracy of the data your district puts into EDS.
Beginning Teachers List If a beginning teacher’s name is missing, please check to see if the teacher’s name is listed in “Inactive Teachers.” Inactive teachers do not currently have Beginning Teacher status and are not eligible to participate in TEAM. Compliance errors may prevent BTs from being displayed as “Active” in TEAM.
Beginning Teacher/Mentor Match Verify that your Beginning Teachers / Mentor Match list is complete and accurate. Under the heading “Beginning Teachers,” select “Mentor Match.”
Beginning Teacher/Mentor Match If no mentor is assigned, there will not be a payment for that teacher. Assign a mentor. Joseph Mary Patrick 2016-09-01 Under the heading “Beginning Teachers,” select “Mentor Match.”
Verify User Accounts Verify that each beginning teacher and mentor has created a TEAM User Account Contact any beginning teacher or mentor who still needs to create a user account with instructions to go to login and "Create a New User Account.“ 2016-09-01 Without an account a payment will not be approved.
Monitoring Mentoring Activities District Facilitators are responsible for monitoring mentoring hours. Mentors are expected to provide a minimum of 50 hours of mentor support over two years, with the expectation of approximately of 10 hours of support for each professional growth module. Mentors should be sure that their Mentor Meeting Logs for each beginning teacher that they are supporting is current.
Monitoring Mentor Meeting Logs Two purposes are served by monitoring meeting log activity: You can assure that mentoring activities are in fact occurring. You can verify the amount of time spent in these meetings meets the expectations for either a full, partial, or no stipend.
Monitoring Mentoring Activities Under Beginning Teachers click Monitoring You will need this information to monitor the support provided to teachers in your district and determine the appropriate stipend amount for each mentor
Monitoring Tools When you open the Monitoring List, you will see the progress bar and a summary of the Mentor Meeting Logs on the right side of the screen Hours since Sept 1 Total hours
Mentor Stipends The amount of the mentor stipend available is determined by the beginning teacher’s entry date. A teacher with a September 1 entry date, will have available a $500 mentor stipend, provided the hours are met (approximately 20 hours). A teacher with a February 15 entry date, will have available a $250 mentor stipend for a half year of mentorship, provided the hours are met (approximately 10 hours).
Mentor Meeting Logs Mentor stipends are based on the time logged into the Mentor Meeting Logs. Stipends should never be based on the completion of modules.
Determining the Appropriate Stipend This teacher has had 12 hours and 18 minutes of mentorship since Sept.1 4 modules have been completed. Based on the progress and the log, we can predict that this teacher will complete TEAM and will have the appropriate mentorship hours by the end of the year. Therefore, the stipend of $500 would be appropriate. 1 2 3 4
Determining the Appropriate Stipend This teacher has received 0 hours of mentorship since Sept. 1 The mentor did record 1 hour and 45 minutes since the teacher began in TEAM, but has not provided any mentorship this year. Although the teacher has completed two modules, there are no hours logged for this year. Therefore, a stipend of $0 would be appropriate. 1 2
Determining the Appropriate Stipend This teacher has received 15 minutes of mentorship since Sept. 1 The teacher has completed two modules. Although, there is a total of 20 hours and 15 minutes of mentorship logged, there are only 15 minutes logged for this year. Therefore, a stipend of $0 would be appropriate. Current: 0h 15mm Total: 20h 15mm 1 2
The Payments Report When you log into your District Facilitator Dashboard, you may use the “PAYMENTS REPORT” link which will be active on 3/13/17. On the DF Dashboard, Under Quick Links, Under Mentors Click Payments Report
Payments Report A new window will open Each step of the process is displayed across the top of the new window.
Payments Report Step 1: Review the beginning teacher and mentor are matched correctly. Check to see if any teacher or mentor is missing from the list. Confirm and Accept. This is the data on which the payments will be calculated. Click Submit. Name of District
Payments Report When you indicate that you DO NOT ACCEPT the list, a dialog box opens: District Beginning Teacher- Mentor List Discrepancies. Please enter a full description of the information that needs to be corrected and click submit. Stop here and wait for a response from the TEAM Program Office. A CSDE/TEAM staff person will research the issue(s). Adjustments will be made where appropriate. You may expect an email reply when errors are reconciled.
Payments Report
Payments Request Amount Step 2: Select Payment Request Amount for each Mentor. Review the Log Summary and the stipend amount. You can also see the previous payments. Step Two: For each beginning teacher-mentor match determine the appropriate Payment Request amount based on the meeting hours already logged and a reasonable expectation that additional support will be provided in the next three months. BTs that move to a new district may not have any available stipend balance but may still have to complete modules. Please be considerate of other districts and make sure to use the stipend responsibly. Once you have determined the amount the mentor should be paid, click the appropriate choice. The selected amount for each teacher will be saved for you. You may leave this page and return to where you left off.
Payments Request Amount BTs may not have any available stipend balance, but may still have to complete modules. Please consider that another district may need to provide mentorship to a teacher who transfers. Only approve stipends for the appropriate mentorship. BTs that move to a new district may not have any available stipend balance but may still have to complete modules. Please be considerate of other districts and make sure to use the stipend responsibly. Once you have determined the amount the mentor should be paid, click the appropriate choice. The selected amount for each teacher will be saved for you. You may leave this page and return to where you left off.
Payments Report – Splitting Payments Splitting a mentor payment between two districts requires a manual override that is done by Michael Mahony. Please contact him directly to address these issues. Split of payment between districts is a special consideration – first District Facilitator will not see the teacher listed. The second District Facilitator will see the beginning teacher and may request full stipend. If a district has changed mentors within the district, the district must assure that both mentors are paid the appropriate stipend.
Payments Report When all stipends have been requested, the total amount of stipends requested will be displayed at the bottom of the report. Click Confirm and Continue to submit.
Payments Report Step 3: Upon confirmation, the Mailing Address for your district will appear. Confirm the information that is pre-filled (based on last year’s payments). Make any changes that are necessary. We suggest that the Payment Check be mailed to the attention of the District Facilitator, and hand delivered to the appropriate department along with a print out of the Payment Report.
Payments Report Districts must complete the online payment request process by close of business on April 7, 2017. Districts that do not complete the verification and payment request will not receive a mentor stipend reimbursement for this year. Carefully review your report before confirming and submitting it. Please note, you will not be able to request any stipends for mentors who are not included in your payment report once the report has been finalized. Once payments have been processed, they cannot be changed.
Payments Mentor stipend must be included in a person's total earnings for purposes of retirement. Normal waiting time for receiving the payment is 3 weeks.
Summary Review and verify beginning teacher and mentor lists/match Confirm mentoring hours meet minimum requirements Select payment amount for each mentor Confirm mailing information Review report prior to confirming and submitting Mentor stipends must be included in total earning for the purposes of retirement Ensure timely distribution of stipends to mentors
Questions If you have any questions about the report functions, you may contact Michael Mahony at (860) 455-1537 or Gady Weiner at (860) 713-6836 or Claudine Primack at (860) 713-6826 or