Senior Project Portfolio
Portfolio Checklist _____ Letter to the Judges – Business Letter Format (Write for College 130-32), autobiographical content _____ Senior Project Overview – Available on-line _____ Paper Proposal – Original copy with signatures and teacher comments _____ Research Paper – Clean, corrected copy with shortened outline and full title page (Tutoring log, if applicable) _____ Project Proposal – Original copy with signatures, dates and teacher comments _____ Senior Project Log and Time Card – With mentor signature and comments _____ Project Verification Form – Must be completed by mentor _____ Project Verification Items – Proof of all work completed and time spent on the project Emails, receipts, awards, certificates, letter of commendation, original work, interviews, charts, photos with explanatory caption sheets, etc. _____ Resume – To format, check Write for College 135-36 or use MS Word Template _____ Optional Items – photo of self (strongly recommended), dedication page, table of contents Click on button next to each item for additional directions and information Directions for Organizing the Portfolio How the portfolio will be graded
Letter to the Judges The Letter to the Judges needs to be written in business letter format. This is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the judges and make a good first impression. Type the letter in 12 point Times New Roman. Items you may wish to include in your letter: Family Future plans Interests Future educational goals Hobbies Senior project experience Job What you learned from Classes senior project Grades Thank the judges for their Sports time School activities Format for Letter to the Judges Return to portfolio checklist
Format for Letter to the Judges Your address line 1 Your address line 2 Date Four to seven spaces (use amount necessary to fit letter on one page) Judges, Senior Project Board Seneca Valley Senior High School 128 Seneca School Road Harmony, PA 16037 Double Space Dear Judges: Type body of letter here. Do not indent paragraphs. Double space between paragraphs. The body of the letter should include information that introduces you to your judges. Be sure to proofread to have an error free letter. Continue with the second paragraph of your letter. Use as many paragraphs as necessary. Double space between each paragraph. Sincerely, Four Spaces for your signature Type your name Return to portfolio checklist
Senior Project Overview Complete the following form using 12 point Times New Roman. Use at least one concise paragraph to answer each question. Senior Project Overview Research Paper Synopsis: Project Summary: Project/Paper Relationship: Self Evaluation: How would you score yourself on the paper, project, and portfolio components? Please include a brief explanation/rationale for chosen scores. See for complete form Return to portfolio checklist
See for complete form Paper Proposal Portfolio needs to include the original Research Paper Proposal with student signature, parent signature, teacher signature, and teacher approval. Research Paper Proposal STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________________________ CLASS/PERIOD: ________________________________________________________ DATE: _________________________________________________________________ Purpose: The research paper portion of Senior Project is an opportunity to explore a topic that is of interest. The election of this topic and the completion of the paper are the basis for the remaining components of Senior Project. The three other components will be related to the subject chosen for the paper. With that in mind, think carefully, and select an interesting topic that has depth and will provide interesting project ideas later on. Directions: Answer each of the following questions thoroughly, using complete sentences and paragraphs. This form must be word-processed and turned in on or before the due date. (Refer to Seneca Valley High School’s home page under “Senior Project” for this form.) All sections must be completed, including signatures, and the proposal must be approved by the classroom teacher before the research process can begin. This form will be used for future reference by both teachers and judges to compare the original plans with the final outcome of the different phases of Senior Project. 1. What is the general area of study chosen for the research paper? Why was it chosen? 2. Explain any prior experience or knowledge of this subject. 3. What is the “depth” of this subject? In other words, what topics could be explored within this subject? 4. What is the limited topic chosen within the general area of study? (Keep in mind that the final paper must be 1700-2300 words. Choose a limited topic that can be adequately addressed in 6-7 pages.) Refer to pages 21-22, “Working on the Research Paper”, before completing numbers 5, 6, and 7. Directions and a model are provided. 5. What is the purpose for researching this limited topic? (Develop phrases that begin: To trace, To compare, To demonstrate, To define, To prove, To analyze, etc.) 6. What is the tentative thesis statement for the research paper? (Write one sentence that expresses the main message about the topic. See Write for College, item 287 for help.) See for complete form Return to portfolio checklist
Research Paper Portfolio needs to include clean, corrected copy of research paper with Title page – change student number to student name Headers – change student number to student last name and page number Shortened outline (1-2 pages) Works cited page Tutoring log (if applicable) Return to portfolio checklist
See for complete form Project Proposal Portfolio needs to include all parts of the original Project Proposal with student signature, parent signature, teacher signature, and teacher approval. Project Proposal Name___________________________________________Date________________Period____________ Part 1: Laying the Foundation: Answer all questions in complete sentences and as thoroughly as possible. 1. Explain your project idea: 2. What is your purpose in completing this project? 3. How is this project a challenge for you? 4. How is this project connected to your research paper? 5. What finished products can you show your teacher and judges to prove what you have done? 6. Which Board Area best describes the research and project? Refer to page 47 in your manual for the list of Board Areas and descriptions. 7. Name at least one specific adult (at least 21 years of age and not a parent or relative) whose expertise could help guide you through this project. Briefly explain how this person’s knowledge can help you. 8. What, if any, expenses are involved with this project? How will you be able to pay for these expenses? Part II Providing Verification Beyond the required Project Verification Form and Project Log, list specifically how the process and final project will be verified for judges and classroom teacher. As verification of the Project component is a student’s responsibility, list specific examples of verification that will be supplied. See for complete form Return to portfolio checklist
Senior Project Log and Time Card Portfolio needs to include: Senior Project Log Three reflective essays 500 words each Each must be initialed by mentor Mentor must comment on at least one essay Typed double spaced in 12 point Times New Roman Time Card Three time cards Documenting at least 20 hours of work Return to portfolio checklist
Project Verification Form This form must be completed by the student’s mentor to verify: student met with mentor at least three times, student accumulated at least 20 hours outside of school working on project, student completed project. Form must be signed by student, parent, and mentor. Project Verification Form This form must be completed by project’s mentor Student Name __________________Mentor Name _______________ The Project component of Seneca Valley’s Senior Project requires that each student choose a mentor who advises and guides the project to completion. The project must be complex enough to require a MINIMUM OF TWENTY HOURS beyond the school day. Because the Project component is completed outside of school, the mentor is asked to verify the Project by completing the following questions and by initialing the time card and initialing or commenting after each student reflective entry in the project log. After reading the student’s entire project log, please provide at least one comment with your signature in the log. 1. Have you met or talked with the student at least three different times during the Project process? YES NO 2. Please list the date, purpose, and time length of each meeting with the student. (If exact dates are not know, please approximate.) Dates of Meetings Purpose of Meetings Method of Contact Time Spent (phone, email, face-to-face, letter, etc.) A. B. ____________________________- C. 3. Did the project challenge the student in any way? YES NO Please explain: 4. Was the student able to break the project into smaller steps working toward completion? YES NO Please explain how the student managed the task. See for complete form Return to portfolio checklist
Project Verification Items Student must provide verification to support all hours on time card, all work on project, and completed project. All projects are different, so verification will depend on each individual project. Verification could include: E-mails Charts Receipts Photos with Explanatory Captions Awards Completed Project Letter of Commendation Handwritten Notes Original Work Letters Interviews Video CD/DVD Required verification for fundraising Required verification for school facility/equipment use Return to portfolio checklist
Project Verification Items for Fundraising If your project involved fundraising, verification MUST include: Student’s original letter written to the organization Letter from the organization giving student permission to raise money for the organization This letter must be on the official stationary of the organization It must be signed by a representative of the organization Student must provide an accounting procedure for funds collected Letter from organization acknowledging receipt of money collected Return to portfolio checklist
Project Verification Items for School Facility/Equipment Use If your project involved the use of a school facility or equipment, verification MUST include the Limited Facility/Equipment Use Form signed by the student, faculty sponsor, building principal, and Senior Project teacher. Limited Equipment Use Form Senior Project Student Identification and Permission Form This form must be complete and all arrangements must be made before the classroom teacher grants final approval of the project. Student Name ________________________________________ Date ____________________ Senior Project Teacher __________________________________________________________ Faculty Sponsor ________________________________________________________________ Purpose for visit: (Specify purpose of visit and explain role of faculty sponsor) Date(s): ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ See for complete form Return to portfolio checklist
Resume Return to portfolio checklist
Optional Items Students may include optional items in their portfolio such as: Photo of self/senior picture (strongly suggested) Dedication page (if applicable) Table of contents (strongly suggested to organize portfolio) Return to portfolio checklist
Organizing the Portfolio Students will be supplied a portfolio and a 3-ring binder with dividers. Students are not required to use these materials, but portfolio must appear professional and organized. It is recommended that items in the portfolio should be placed in the order as listed on the portfolio checklist. If plastic sleeves are used, each should contain no more than two pages – one facing front and one facing back. Organizational method should be one of the following: Table of contents that matches tab labels Table of contents that matches cover pages for each section The completed portfolio checklist signed by the student and classroom teacher should be placed in the front cover pocket of the portfolio. Return to portfolio checklist
Project verification form with mentor signature The students and classroom teacher have examined portfolios to assure that each includes the MINIMUM requirements for assessment. Minimum requirements include: Research Paper (paper has been assessed and received a grade) Project Time Card and Log (1500 word minimum) Project Verification Form (signed by mentor) IF MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT MET, THE PORTFOLIO SHOULD NOT BE SCORED. PLEASE CONTACT EXT 408 FOR INSTRUCTIONS. Portfolio MUST contain the minimum requirements or it will not be graded. Minimum requirements include: Research paper Project time cards and logs with mentor signature and comment Project verification form with mentor signature Return to portfolio checklist