Isaac Newton Famous scientist, philosopher and mathematician
The great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me… Born (1642) towards the end of the English Civil war (and in a time of religious and social conflict), Isaac’s life was far from happy… The great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me…
Although his mother could afford for him to have a luxury education… Going against his mother’s wishes and attending Cambridge University, Isaac studied science, philosophy and theology (the nature of God). Although his mother could afford for him to have a luxury education…
he was forced to work as a Sizar (a servant to more privileged students) to fund his studies. This placed Newton at the bottom of the social ladder (determined by father’s wealth and status) and caused him to become bitter and resentful. He was seen as an outcast but despite this, continued to enjoy his studying.
In 1665, Cambridge, like London was full of rats In 1665, Cambridge, like London was full of rats. The rats carried fleas, and the fleas carried the plague. The Black Death People were dying all over the place, at a rate of up to 7000 a day!! Death usually came within three to five days The plague caused internal bleeding, black spots and large tumours
Isaac was unwillingly forced to flee home, but what he did there revolutionised science… The best idea ever! Law of Gravity: Every object in the universe attracts every other object, and there will always be a gravitational pull between them (e.g. the apple and the earth). The bigger the mass of the two objects, the stronger the gravitational pull.
Because the moon has a smaller mass than earth, there is less of a gravitational pull acting upon objects. Example: kicking a rock on the moon Example: kicking a rock on the moon
Newton’s first law of motion If left alone a motionless object doesn’t move Whereas a moving object will carry on moving in a straight line as long as another force doesn’t make it change course.
Newton’s second law of motion If an object is hit with a large force, it will travel at a greater speed in the same direction.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion When an object exerts a force on another object the second object will push back just as hard Newton’s Cradle
Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton was a clever man. An avid scientific fan. He questioned many things he saw. Like ones we had no answer for. He thought them through right to their cores. Then gave us many handy laws. Newton’s First Law Of Motion: Without a force of push or pull and object will remain quite still. With just one push at just one time that object moves in one straight line. Newton’s Second Law Of Motion: A bigger Force accelerates an object that is heavy-weight. While objects of a smaller mass don’t need much Force to move them fast.
Newton’s Third Law Of Motion: Now bend a stick Newton’s Third Law Of Motion: Now bend a stick. Before it cracks you’ll feel its force of pushing back. For every action there will be an equal one – opposingly. Without his formulas in place we’d soon get lost in outer space. So Isaac’s Laws help us traverse the reaches of our universe. by Celia Berrell
Activities 1) Create your own ‘waste book’ like Isaac Newton did, to record all of your discoveries 2) Write an account (autobiography) about Isaac Newton’s life in the front of your ‘waste book’.