Christine Adam -Science Born in Cleveland, Ohio Grew up in Simi Valley, California Graduated UC Irvine with B.A. (2010) Graduated ASU with a M. in Secondary Education w/ an emphasis in science curriculum (2012) 8th year teaching Middle School Science, 2nd year at AMS Love to swim, hike & travel Play the bassoon
How I can be reached E-mail cadam@kyrene.org Phone 480-541-6148 Website: check classroom website for assignments and deadlines: https://www.kyrene.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=27132 Or kyrene webpage- schools- Altadena- classrooms- Christine Adam
The 8th Grade Science Curriculum The KSD Science curriculum is aligned with both Arizona State and National Science Standards for middle school students
What is the difference between general & advanced science? Students cover topics in life and physical sciences using an inquiry-based approach to learning. Emphasis will be placed on planning and conducting controlled investigations through project-based learning. Students will complete one major project per UNIT- 7-9 projects instead of 4
Inquiry Program Engages students in the investigative nature of science Students answer questions generated by teachers Students explore questions on their own Students experience what scientists do
Scientific Method 8th Grade Curriculum Review the basics of the scientific method including, variables, hypotheses, testable questions, graphing, etc. These principles will be used in all other projects throughout the course of the year Unit PBL- Create your own Investigation using the scientific method
8th Grade Curriculum Matter Chemistry Assess properties of matter and their physical properties such as density, boiling points, melting points, and solubility Matter PBL: Unit Project: Forensic Mystery Powders Identification Chemistry Identify and classify different types of matter based on chemical properties such as pH and reactivity; Unit Project: Adopt an Element- Student Choice Project
8th Grade Curriculum Ecology Speed & Motion Graphs Diversity, Adaptation and Behavior Identify Plant and Animal Adaptations Science in Personal and Social Perspective Ecology PBL: Build a Beast Speed & Motion Graphs Relationship Between Force and Motion Speed and Motion Graph PBL: School Zone Speed Lab
Work & Machines 8th Grade Curriculum Newton’s Laws Apply concepts of physics with an understanding of the relationship between force and motion using Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton’s Laws PBL: Balloon Rockets Work & Machines Simple machines and how they help to do work Work and Machines PBL: Building a Classroom Arcade
Genetics 8th Grade Curriculum Newton’s Laws Apply concepts of physics with an understanding of the relationship between force and motion using Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton’s Laws PBL: Balloon Rockets Genetics Meiosis and Mitosis Basic Principals of Heredity- Punnett Squares Genetic Engineering PBL: Genetic Engineering Debate
Student Choice-Student Led Experiments: 8th Grade Curriculum Student Choice-Student Led Experiments: Scientist Wanted Posters STEM Challenges Enrichment
Extras Homework: 4-5 nights a week (whatever students do not finish in class) At home projects: 1 per UNIT! (9 major projects!) Quizzes/Tests/labs/Projects: at least twice per unit- minimum 1 test & 1 project per unit Grading: 80% assessments: quizzes, tests, labs, projects 20%: participation: (warm-up, practice classwork, notebook checks and homework) Sometimes graded for accuracy, sometimes just completion ***Students required to keep science notebook*** No text books for home - information needed will be in Science notebook
What is an interactive notebook? A place to record information Enables the student to process ideas and make connections Culmination of student work throughout the year Demonstrates content learned and reflective knowledge by the student
Does this sound familiar?? I can’t find my notes…. homework… quizzes I can’ remember what we did yesterday in class….. I was absent last week and can’t find my notes…..
Interactive Notebook & classroom calendar on website! Here is the answer… Interactive Notebook & classroom calendar on website!
Website Check classroom website for all assignments, notes, warm-ups, classwork/homework assignments and deadlines Students are responsible for getting work from here - Including notes & warm-ups- when they are absent https://www.kyrene.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=27132 Or kyrene webpage- schools- Altadena- classrooms- Christine Adam
Requirements for Success
ATTENDANCE WORK COMPLETION It is important for students to be in class on time everyday. Lab work can not be made up, but alternate assignments will be given at the teachers discretion (this does not include unit PBLs- these can be done at home. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed- check the website or ask a classmate. WORK COMPLETION Student work must be turned in on time. If homework is turned in late, 10 % will be deducted for every day an assignment is late including for a project or lab write-up! Late work will always be given some credit.
My Goals as an Educator Influence my students to prepare themselves to become successful, self confident, self sufficient citizens. Teach them to be life long learners.
How do I connect these goals to learning science? Engage students in the process of learning science Encourage students to use scientific evidence to make decisions Help educate tomorrow's citizens about the application of science in everyday life.
Lets work together to achieve our common goals