Questionnaire Clarify the purpose of survey Assure confidentiality of response(s) Clear instructions on how to answer (tick, circle, rank, etc) Divide according to sections Closed-ended vs open-ended questions Refer to samples on page 31 and 77
Closed-ended questions Yes/No question e.g: Are you an organ donor? Yes No Do you eat fast food? Yes No
Scale questions Use quantifiers such as Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree Please indicate the level of agreement with each statement by ticking ( ∕ ) the appropriate column. Organ pledging is very important for everyone 2. Fast foods are cheaper and faster to get Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Listing/ choice questions Provide items or choices for the respondents to choose. For the question below, you may tick ( ∕ ) as many boxes as you think appropriate. Where do you get information about organ donation? Friends Internet TV/ Radio Magazine Newspaper Others, please specify ________
Ranking questions Provide degree of preference or choice Please rank the following criteria you use in buying a hand phone: ( 1 – most preferred to 5- least preferred ) Size Price Function Coverage Brand Name
Category questions Ask respondents to identify the response provided in different categories, for example, age range, monthly income, weight range, etc Please tick ( ∕ ) in the appropriate space. How much do you spend to pay the phone bill each month? Under RM50 RM51 – RM100 RM101 – RM200 More than RM201
Open-ended questions Ask for opinions, ideas, suggestions or comments. Answers can be lengthy. e.g: What do you think about organ donation? ___________________________________________________________________
Interview Valuable information that might not be answered with just a ( ∕ ) Respondents’ feelings and beliefs about the topic, in a two-way communication between interviewer and respondent. Yes/ No question WH- questions Refer sample on page 34