July 11, 2017
Harbison Event Center (HEC) Background At the May 23rd City Council meeting, Council directed staff to evaluate the possibility of utilizing the HEC as a City operated event center and bring the item back to Council for consideration. Tonight’s Discussion: Focusses on the evaluation of the subject property and the City’s interim use and operation of the property as an event facility.
Vicinity Map Parcel size is 3.21 acres, located at the rear of the Nut Tree Plaza Shopping Center
Harbison Event Center (HEC) Background Formerly the site of the Nut Tree Family Park (2006 – 2009) Property acquired by Vacaville Redevelopment Agency 2011 Harbison Event Center opened (and closed) in 2011 RDA dissolved in 2012, Successor Agency not allowed to enter into any contracts for use of property. Site remained vacant and un-used until recent Wine & Food Jubilee event on May 20th which utilized the entire property. Privately operated HEC opened and closed in 2011
Harbison Event Center (HEC) Evaluation Process Two-phase process utilized for the re-use of the HEC: Phase One: operate the HEC as an interim event facility. Phase Two: complete a feasibility study to determine the highest and best use of the property. Study included in this year’s CIP budget Phase One Focus: Provide a high quality facility that is functional & attractive. Facility to include both indoor and outdoor event space. Meet industry standards for events. Make the fewest upgrades and improvements necessary. Keep costs as low as possible (limit throw away costs). Be ready to operate at beginning of season – March 2018. Throw away costs = costs spent on items that may be spent on improvements that may be eliminated from the property as part of the second phase.
HEC Property - Then
HEC Property - Now
HEC – Phase One Evaluation Good news: Opportunities for both indoor and outdoor events. Majority of the buildings are in very good condition. ADA compliant Majority of site work in very good condition. Not so good news: Irrigation system failure. Landscaping in very poor condition. Several unsafe & unsightly locations on property. Abandoned Roller Coaster area. Abandoned Boat Pond area.
HEC – Site Plan For the remainder of the presentation, I’ll be focusing on the project site plan. The first decision made was determining the location of the event parking and entrances. Since the event parking is located on the north side of Nut Tree, it made sense to utilize the adjacent entrance as the primary entrance and the other entry near the Boat Pond as the secondary entrance. Transition – from there, staff focused on the areas that could be used for interior and exterior events. For interior events, the two buildings identified as “meeting rooms” and “ballroom” will be utilized, while the area identified as “courtyard” will be the primary outdoor event space. The next sets of slides will be a guided tour of these and other accessory areas.
HEC - Interior Event Space
HEC - Ballroom Ballroom Uses: Banquets; meeting space; Conferences; parties. Occupancy: 250 max Improvements Needed: Repair & paint walls; carpet cleaning; hvac; Upgrade lighting; repair storage areas; install new audio visual improvements.
HEC - Meeting Rooms Meeting Room Uses: Meeting space; Conferences; Trainings. Occupancy: 204 (max – all 4 rooms); 51/room Improvements Needed: Repair & paint walls; hvac; Upgrade lighting; repair/clean partition walls; install new audio visual improvements.
Courtyard Courtyard Uses: Weddings; Parties; Expos; Teambuilding. Improvements Needed: Remove and replace landscaping & pathways; install new irrigation system; remove artwork; repair/replace arbors; install new landscaping and turf.
Phase One Improvements Exterior Improvements Interior Improvements • Renovated irrigation system (existing system is completely damaged) • Repair and paint walls • Landscaping improvements at main site and building entrances • Repair and clean carpets • Screen fencing (around the former roller coaster site – to screen the 150 concrete footings) • Upgraded lighting • Landscaping and trellis restoration for the Courtyard area • Kitchen remodel (and equipment upgrades); • Accessory structure clean up (e.g. corral fencing, trellis) • Additional tables and chairs • Project signage • HVAC upgrades • Boat pond renovations (repair drainage system and incorporate new art work) • Audio/Visual (and other IT) upgrades
Phase One: Start-up Costs Item Cost Exterior Improvements $100,200 Interior Improvements $181,300 Design, construction & contingency $139,875 Total = $421,375
Phase One: Annual Costs Item Cost Annual Maintenance $88,550 Annual Staffing $206,040 Total = $294,590 The two amounts total $715,965 Staffing estimates are highest case and could be lowered based on shared use of personnel.
RECOMMENDATION: Hold Council discussion and provide direction to staff regarding the possible reuse of the Harbison Event Center as a City operated event facility.
Accessory Structures
Accessory Structures
Boat Pond
Boat Pond = Art
Primary Entrance
Secondary Entrance
Landscape Areas
Roller Coaster Screening
Roller Coaster Area