2011 Christmas Fund Responsive Reading for Advent and Christmas
Leader: Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel…restore us Leader: Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel…restore us! O God, let your face shine, that we may be saved! (Psalm 80) People: We give thanks for the Good Shepherd, who shines love in our lives.
Leader: In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks by night. (Luke 2:7) People: We give thanks for those long-ago shepherds, who heard good tidings, went to the manger and heard the story.
Leader: Our congregation has been blessed by shepherds, clergy, musicians and educators, sextons and administrators, youth staff and community organizers who keep watch over our churches. People: We give thanks for the good Shepherd and the many shepherds.
Leader: Shepherds care for the church by pinning on angel wings and teaching peace to generations who will shape the world. Shepherds care for our church by pasturing those who are walking through the green pastures of life or the valleys of the shadow. Shepherds call to God’s lost sheep by answering a phone call, playing a prelude that touches the heart, setting up the chairs and coffee for the AA meeting, playing paintball with a kid who needs to forget the SAT’s. People: We give thanks for the Good shepherd and the many Shepherds.
Leader: God’s face shines upon us and some of that radiance has been shared by shepherds of the past and the present, in this congregation and communities of faith everywhere. Honoring their ministries we bring our gifts from the abundance that we have received this Holy season. Let us pray
People: Emmanuel, God, whose face shines upon us, we give thanks for the shepherds of our wider church, those clergy, musicians and counselors, youth ministers, mission personnel. Conference and seminary staff, educators, sextons, administrators who keep watch over our churches. Bless these Christmas Fund gifts that they may express our gratitude to retired and active clergy and lay employees, as well as our commitment, each one of us, to become shepherds of your grace. Amen.