The Desk Jet Supply Chain Vancouver PCAT - printed circuit card assembly and test FAT - final assembly and test 1 week cycle time no inventory Transport To San Jose, 1 day To EU 4-5 weeks To Asia 4-5 weeks
Stock vs Pull DC’s - Target stock levels Vancouver - Pull Forecasted sales Safety stock to ensure availability Vancouver - Pull Replenish DCs to target levels just-in-time
The Physical Supply Chain Supplier IC Mfg US DC Customer Supplier PCAT FAT EU DC Customer Supplier Mech Mfg Supplier AP DC Customer
Variability Material Availability Process Yields and Downtime Transport time to Asia and Europe Demand
DCs Standard Process Some demand for “integration” Receive Pick Pack and Label Ship Some demand for “integration” Little support for it
Forecasts Very bad in Europe Overstock on some models Shortages of others
Proposals New Plant in Europe More Inventory Air freight to Europe More complex forecasting methods ...
Demand Data