Back To School 4th Grade Team 2017-2018 Natoma Station August 16, 2017
Flexible Daily Schedule 8:25- 10:05 Math 10:05-10:20 Recess 10:20- 12:10 Language Arts Friday: Music 10:30-11:05 12:10-12:50 Lunch 12:50-1:40 Science, Soc.Studies, Second Step 1:40-2:20 MTSS I-Ready Skill Work, Review 2:20-2:37 Clean Up , Write in Day Planners Library TBA Computer Lab is in classroom “Chrome Books” Thursday Music 8:30-9:05, Friday 10:30-11:05 PE Library TBD
Communication I will communicate by a group email sent out on Friday afternoon. Please fill out the Parent Survey Sheet so that you may be in our group email. This is the primary way I communicate. Some emails are news; others are just a reminder of a test date approaching.
Grades All intermediate students earn letter grades. Homework, in class assignments, projects are included in the grade. Students may retake tests and the scores are averaged. If a student has trouble with a concept, the teacher will make an intervention plan with the parent. The work is due at the assigned time. Late work is accepted, but will not receive full point values for the second and third trimester. Point values are converted into percentages.
Curriculum Language Arts: Benchmark Series: Close reading with annotations, vocabulary building, writing component, and Independent read time with reading logs. Novels: Island of the Blue Dolphins, Two Years Before the Mast, By the Great Horn Spoon, Clara Rounds Cape Horn Math: Pearson Realize : Core curriculum basic operations, fractions, probability, algebra, functions, data, graphs, decimals, problem solving. Small groups for enrichment, and intervention Students will keep math journals Social Studies: Scott Foresman Publisher, California Studies Weekly, trimester projects Science: Scott Foresman Publisher, Rocks and Minerals, Ecosystems, Electricity and Magnetism
Homework Expect Math and Vocabulary/Spelling Monday - Thursday Unfinished Class Work Reading for AR Points Plan on about 40 minutes Monday - Thursday Trimester Projects Check Agenda and Teacher’s Web Site
Projects 1 Book Report and 1 Social Studies Report for Trimester 1 and 3 1 Book Report and no Social Studies Project for Trimester 2 All directions will be posted to the web site Handouts will go home in the Friday Folder Presentation Portfolio
Accelerated Reader Students read books at their reading level determined by the STAR placement test Students have time to read at school and can read at home Grades: Trimester 1, A=10 points, B=8-9, C=7, D= Below 7 Trimester 2 and 3, A=15 or more, B=13-14, C=11-12, D=9-10, F=8 or less
Rules Be Responsible Listen Carefully Follow Directions Be Respectful Be Productive Be Safe Rewards and Consequences Progressive Discipline
Intel PC Pals Program Mentoring program between Intel employees and Ms. Dean’s 4th and 5th grade students Pals e-mail 2x per week all year from school only Pals will meet face to face up to 4 times: Fall Reading Family Feast before winter holidays Spring Reading End of year Kickball game and Pizza party
PC Pal Clearance All Intel employees are fingerprinted upon hiring. When employees sign up to be PC pals, a Volunteer Background information sheet is required to be completed, including disclosure of any criminal history. PC Pals update background checks every two years All e-mails are able to be read by the teacher All face to face events are supervised by the teacher Intel employees have Rules of Participation