Animal Classifications
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? Animals are classified by species, age, and sexual state. It is important to use the appropriate names when referring to animals. A. Age is a means of determining the difference between mature animals and immature animals. B. Sexual state is another way of classifying animals.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? 1. Male or female is one distinction. 2. Another distinction is whether an animal is in its natural sexual state or whether it has undergone sexual alteration known as neutering. An animal is neutered to prevent it from reproducing or to cause it to express desired traits. For example, neutering may increase the rate of growth and the quality of meat.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? Two types of neutering are castration and spaying. a. Castration is the removal or destruction of the testicles of a male so it does not breed. b. Spaying is the removal of the ovaries or the cutting of the fallopian tubes of a female so an egg cannot enter the uterus, where it may be fertilized and develop as an embryo and fetus.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? C. The following are common names of cattle. 1. A mature male is a bull. 2. A mature female is a cow. 3. A young male is a bull. 4. A young female is a heifer. 5. A castrated male is a steer. 6. A newborn is a calf. 7. A group of cattle is a herd.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? K. The following are common names of horses. 1. A mature male is a stallion. 2. A mature female is a mare. 3. A young male is a colt. 4. A young female is a filly. 5. A castrated male is a gelding. 6. A newborn is a foal. 7. A group of horses is a herd.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? D. The following are common names of goats. 1. A mature male is a buck. 2. A mature female is a doe. 3. A young male is a buck kid. 4. A young female is a doeling. 5. A castrated male is a wether. 6. A newborn is a kid. 7. A group of goats is a herd.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? E. The following are common names of sheep. 1. A mature male is a ram. 2. A mature female is a ewe. 3. A young male is a ram lamb. 4. A young female is a ewe lamb. 5. A castrated male is a wether. 6. A newborn is a lamb. 7. A group of sheep is a flock.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? F. The following are common names of hogs/swine. 1. A mature male is a boar. 2. A mature female is a sow. 3. A young male is a shoat or young boar. 4. A young female is a gilt. 5. A castrated male is a barrow. 6. A newborn is a pig or piglet. 7. A group of hogs/swine is a drove.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? G. The following are common names of chickens. 1. A mature male is a rooster. 2. A mature female is a hen. 3. A young male is a cockerel. 4. A young female is a pullet. 5. A castrated male is a capon. 6. A newborn is a chick. 7. A group of chickens is a flock.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? J. The following are common names of cats. 1. A mature male is a tom. 2. A mature female is a queen. 3. A castrated male is a gib. 4. A newborn is a kitten. 5. A group of cats is a bevy.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? L. The following are common names of rabbits. 1. A mature male is a buck. 2. A mature female is a doe. 3. A newborn is a kit. 4. A group of rabbits is a group.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? H. The following are common names of turkeys. 1. A mature male is a tom. 2. A mature female is a hen. 3. A young male is a tom poult. 4. A young female is a hen poult. 5. A newborn is a poult. 6. A group of turkeys is a flock.
How are common livestock and companion animals classified? I. The following are common names of dogs. 1. A mature male is a stud. 2. A mature female is a bitch. 3. A young male is an intact. 4. A young female is a bitch. 5. A castrated male is a neuter. 6. A newborn is a puppy. 7. A group of dogs is a pack.