West Orange-Stark Elementary World’s Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Sale PERMISSION SLIP REQUIRED Sale Start Date: 2/21/17 End Date:3/08/17____ SCHOOL GOAL – EVERY STUDENT SELLS ONE BOX OF CHOCOLATE Please return your permission slip below to help reach this goal! $1 World’s Finest Chocolate Variety Pack Box ~ 60 count box All just $1.00 each A - Sell 1 BOX of 60 count-$1 Variety Pack and help DUCT TAPE Mrs. Henley to the wall!! Fun-Fun-Fun!! B - Sell 2 BOXES Your name goes in a drawing for a $50 gift card to Toys R Us!!! PLUS “A” C - Sell 3 BOXES Attend the DANCE PARTY!!! Get out of class for this party!!! Music in gym &* refreshments!! PLUS “A-B” D - SELL 4 BOXES Your name goes in a drawing for a free pizza party for your class. PLUS “A-B-C” E - Sell 5 BOXES Silly String Party with Coach ! PLUS “A-B-C-D” F - Sell 6 BOXES Attend the Principal Power Lunch! Eat lunch with the principal in her office! PLUS “A-B-C-D-E” G - Sell 8 BOXES Win $25.00 Gift Card to Dairy Queen! PLUS “A-B-C-D-E-F” H - Sell 10 BOXES Trip to Colorado Canyon, miniature golf, tokens and lunch provided. PLUS “A-B-C-D-E-F-G” TOP SELLER WINS A TABLET !! 2ND PLACE SELLER WINS BEAT HEADPHONES !! 3RD PLACE SELLER WINS HIBBETS GIFT CARD !! 4th PLACE SELLER WINS GAMESTOP !! NO DOOR-TO-DOOR SELLING BY OUR STUDENTS. Sell to family, friends, parents’ co-workers & local businesses. Only sell to neighborhood friends when accompanied by a parent. NO SELLING OF CHOCOLATE TO STUDENTS DURING SCHOOL. As soon as you sell your box, turn in money to the front office, and you pick up another box to sell. All money must be turned in by March 8, 2017. -------------------------------COMPLETE AND RETURN SLIP------------------------------ By signing below, I give my permission for my child to participate in this sale. I acknowledge I am responsible for the chocolate and agree to sell the entire box, then return $60 to the school. I understand NO chocolate may be returned. ALL previous money must be turned in to check out additional chocolate and to compete for prizes. __________________________________ _________ _______________________________________ Student Name Grade Level Parent Signature __________________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Homeroom Teacher Cell Phone Work OR Home Phone CHOCOLATE CAN NOT BE SENT HOME ON BUS DUE TO PARENTS HAVING TO SIGN FOR THE BOXES. IMPORTANT