Upgrading to PD² Adapter v3.0 Name: Semarria Rosemond Title: Systems Analyst, Lead Date: December 8, 2011
1. Introduction The PD² Adapter v3.0 Upgrade guide includes the following component(s): PD² Adapter v3.0 For more information on this release, refer to the PD² Adapter v3.0 Release Notes. This presentation is designed to guide sites through the upgrade process for PD² Adapter v3.0. The installer component is a wizard-based application designed to apply updates to the PD² Adapter components. 2
1. Introduction The PD² Adapter v3.0 Installation Wizard detects whether v3.0 is older, the same, or newer than the site’s current version and then displays a message informing whether to continue or stop. Note: If Legacy Integrations are run on the Adapter and a new install is being performed, the Legacy Integrations need to be loaded following the “SPS JPMO Release Chart.” The “SPS JPMO Release Chart” is available on the SPS Knowledge Base (KB) in the Downloads section. Please note that the initial files are on Legacy Integration CDs for a particular service. Only the subsequent patches can be downloaded from the SPS KB. 3
1. Introduction Assumptions It is assumed that webMethods 7.1 and Sybase Open Client 15.5 are installed on the target machine, prior to the execution of these instructions. Refer to the following guides for additional information. Instructions for Upgrading to webMethods Product Suite 7.1.3 Sybase Open Client 15.5 ESD#6 Installation Guide for PD² v4.2 Increment 2 SR13 The PD² Adapter v2.8 is installed before running the upgrade to PD² Adapter v3.0. 4
2. Downloading Installer Package To download the installer package: 1. From the PD² Software Library, click the Downloads by Product link. 2. Click the PD² Adapter link. 3. Scroll down to the “v3.0” section and click the PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer link. 4. Click the Click Here to Download Now link. 5. Following the remaining instructions to complete the download. 5
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer Prior to upgrading to PD² Adapter v3.0 two Sybase logins are required. The first login is used by the PD² Adapter to connect to the PD2 Production database. The second login is used by the webMethods Integration Server to connect to the My webMethods Server database. If the users do not exist, they will need to be created. 6
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer Both logins must have the Sybase sps_srv_conn_role. To verify, log in to the Sybase server as the user with sso_role (e.g., sa) and execute sp_displaylogin <LOGIN_NAME> go where <LOGIN_NAME> is the login to be verified. The result should include "sps_srv_conn_role (default ON)" in the output. If the sps_srv_conn_role is missing for the login, grant the role by executing: exec sp_role 'grant','sps_srv_conn_role', '<LOGIN_NAME>' exec sp_modifylogin '<LOGIN_NAME>', 'add default role', 'sps_srv_conn_role' where <LOGIN_NAME> is the login to be granted the role. 7
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.1 Before Executing the PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer The following information is necessary and must be obtained before applying this release: Table 1: Adapter Setup Parameters 8
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.1 Before Executing the PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer The following information is necessary and must be obtained before applying this release: Table 1: Adapter Setup Parameters 9
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.2 Run the PD² Adapter v3.0 Package Executable Shutdown webMethods Integration server and webMethods Broker Service. Refer to Appendix A: Shutdown webMethods Integration Server for steps to shutdown the webMethods Integration Server instance and Appendix B: Shutdown webMethods Broker Service for steps to shutdown the Broker service. Shutdown My webMethods Server. Refer to Appendix F: Shutdown My webMethods Server for steps to shutdown the My webMethods Server. 10
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.2 Run the PD² Adapter v3.0 Package Executable Note: Before running the upgrade to Adapter v3.0, sites that changed the webMethods Integration Server primary port (Refer to “WebMethods Integration Server Port” in Table 1: Adapter Setup Parameters) after installing Adapter v2.8 should reset the primary port, temporarily, to the one that was used before Adapter v2.8 installation. Once the upgrade to Adapter v3.0 process is completed, the primary port can again be set to the changed value. 11
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.2 Run the PD² Adapter v3.0 Package Executable To run the Adapter v3.0 Package Executable: Locate the previously saved PD2 Adapter v3.0 Installer executable file, right-click and select Run as administrator to launch the Installation Wizard. (The Preparing Setup window opens followed by the Welcome to the PD2 Adapter v3.0 Installer window.) 12
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.2 Run the PD² Adapter v3.0 Package Executable To run the Adapter v3.0 Package Executable: Note: If the Unable to detect required version of Adapter window opens, sites must reset the primary port of the webMethods Integration Server, temporarily, to the one that was used before Adapter v2.8 installation. After that, site should come back and follow the steps in the Section 3.2: Run the PD² Adapter v3.0 Package Executable from the beginning. Once the upgrade to Adapter v3.0 process is completed, the primary port can again be set to the changed value. 13
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.2 Run the PD² Adapter v3.0 Package Executable To run the Adapter v3.0 Package Executable: Click the [Next] button. (The Choose Destination Location window opens.) 14
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.2 Run the PD² Adapter v3.0 Package Executable To run the Adapter v3.0 Package Executable: Select the folder containing the previously installed Adapter v2.8 instance. Click the [Browse] button to select a folder other than the default. Refer to “WebMethods Integration Server Location” in Table 1: Adapter Setup Parameters. Click the [Next] button when the appropriate folder has been selected. (The Start Copying Files window opens.) 15
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.2 Run the PD² Adapter v3.0 Package Executable To run the Adapter v3.0 Package Executable: Click the [Next] button. (The Setup Status window opens.) 16
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.2 Run the PD² Adapter v3.0 Package Executable To run the Adapter v3.0 Package Executable: Do not close any windows that may open during the installation process. If a window is shut down prior to the installer completing the installer will not be able to install the application correctly. If this happens, please contact the SPS Help Desk for instructions on how to recover. The installer will present the next window when the installation is complete. (The InstallShield Wizard Complete window opens.) 17
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.2 Run the PD² Adapter v3.0 Package Executable To run the Adapter v3.0 Package Executable: Click the [Finish] button. Note: Sites that reset the webMethods Integration Server primary port as described in the 1st note in this section may now set the primary port back to the one as mentioned in “WebMethods Integration Server Port” in Table 1: Adapter Setup Parameters. 18
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.3 Start webMethods Broker Services Refer to Appendix C: Start webMethods Broker Service for detailed instructions on starting the webMethods Broker service. 3.4 Start webMethods Integration Server Service Refer to Appendix D: Start webMethods Integration Server for detailed instructions on starting the webMethods Integration Server Instance. 3.5 Start My webMethods Server Refer to Appendix G: Start My webMethods Server for detailed instructions on starting the My webMethods Server. 19
3. Run PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer 3.3 Start webMethods Broker Services Refer to Appendix C: Start webMethods Broker Service for detailed instructions on starting the webMethods Broker service. 3.4 Start webMethods Integration Server Service Refer to Appendix D: Start webMethods Integration Server for detailed instructions on starting the webMethods Integration Server Instance. 3.5 Start My webMethods Server Refer to Appendix G: Start My webMethods Server for detailed instructions on starting the My webMethods Server. 20
4. Configure PD² Database Alias This section provides instructions on how to modify the configuration of connections to the PD² database(s) to/from which the PD² Adapter will be inserting and extracting data. If sites need to create a new PD² Adapter Database Alias, refer to the Instructions for Installing PD² Adapter v3.0 Guide. 21
4. Configure PD² Database Alias 4.1 Access the PD² Adapter Configuration Web site Open Internet Explorer. In the Address field, enter the following URL, substituting the appropriate values for <server> and <port>: <server> – hostname or IP address of the webMethods Integration Server. <port> – the port on which the webMethods Integration Server is running. Default port is 5555. http://<server>:<port>/PD2AdapterServices (The Connect to <server> window opens.) 22
4. Configure PD² Database Alias 4.1 Access the PD² Adapter Configuration Web site In the Connect to <server> window, enter the following information: User Name – Enter the webMethods Administrator user. Password – Enter the password for the Administrator user. Click [OK]. (The PD2 Adapter Configuration homepage displays.) 23
4. Configure PD² Database Alias 4.2 Edit PD² Adapter Database Alias Click the Adapter Configuration Administration link. (The Adapter Configuration Administration > Introduction page displays.) 24
4. Configure PD² Database Alias 4.2 Edit PD² Adapter Database Alias In the navigation pane on the left, click the Add/Edit Database link. (The Add/Edit Database screen displays.) 25
4. Configure PD² Database Alias 4.2 Edit PD² Adapter Database Alias Select the database from the list and click the [Edit Database] button. (The Edit Database screen displays.) 26
4. Configure PD² Database Alias 4.2 Edit PD² Adapter Database Alias Enter the following information on the Edit Database page: Password – Enter the Sybase Database Password. Version – Defaults to the version of the PD² database. Click the [Submit] button. (A confirmation message displays.) 27
4. Configure PD² Database Alias 4.2 Edit PD² Adapter Database Alias Repeat the previous steps for each additional PD² database. 28
4. Configure PD² Database Alias 4.3 Reload the Fdi Package Once all PD² database connections have been added/updated, the Functional Document Interface (Fdi) package must be reloaded. Packages can be reloaded from the webMethods Administrator web site. To reload the Fdi Package: Log into the webMethods Administrator. Refer to Appendix E: Log into webMethods Administrator for the steps to log in. (The webMethods Administrator page displays.) Click the Management link in the Packages menu of the navigation pane on the left. (The Packages > Management page displays a list of installed packages.) 29
4. Configure PD² Database Alias 4.3 Reload the Fdi Package Click the icon in the Reload column that corresponds with the Fdi package. (A message box displays.) 30
4. Configure PD² Database Alias 4.3 Reload the Fdi Package Click [OK]. (A confirmation message displays.) 31
5. Apply PD² Database Changes Set Sybase Server Configuration Settings Prior to executing Adapter scripts, the following Sybase server parameters should be at their default values: statement cache size user log cache size number of aux scan descriptors Log into Sybase Interactive SQL. Enter the following commands to identify the current configuration values: exec sp_configure 'statement cache size' exec sp_configure 'user log cache size' exec sp_configure 'number of aux scan descriptors' 32
5. Apply PD² Database Changes 5.1 Set Sybase Server Configuration Settings If the value in the Default column matches the value in the Config Value column for all three result sets (i.e., Result Set 1, Result Set 2 and Result Set 3), skip the rest of this section and proceed to Section 5.2: Apply PD² Database Changes. If not, enter the following to reset the configuration settings to their default value: Note: First, record current values in Table 1. exec sp_configure 'statement cache size', 0 exec sp_configure 'user log cache size', 2048 exec sp_configure 'number of aux scan descriptors', 256 Stop and restart the Sybase BCKServer and Sybase Server. 33
5. Apply PD² Database Changes The PD² Adapter requires changes to the standard PD² database. This section provides instructions on how to apply these changes to each PD² database added in the previous section. Note: The following steps are specific to Interactive SQL. The script may be executed from another Sybase client application such as isql, if Interactive SQL is not available. 34
5. Apply PD² Database Changes To configure each PD² Database: Log into Sybase Interactive SQL. Refer to Appendix I: Log into Sybase Interactive SQL for the steps to log in. Select the appropriate PD2 database from the drop-down list box in the upper right corner. (The database displays in the drop-down list box.) 35
5. Apply PD² Database Changes From the menu select File Run Script and navigate to the “<WMDIR>\install\sps\PMOSqlScr ipt2.sql” file. Note: Sites that wish to reset the existing event subscription table should use the “PMOSqlScript.sql” file in place of the “PMOSqlScript2.sql” file. (The “PMOSqlScript2.sql” file opens in the Open window.) Select the PMOSqlScript2.sql script and click the [Open] button. (The Run Script window opens.) 36
5. Apply PD² Database Changes Click [OK]. Click the [Close] button. Repeat the last four steps for each PD² database that will be connected to the PD² Adapter. 37
5. Apply PD² Database Changes 5.3 Restore Sybase Server Configuration Settings Log into Sybase Interactive SQL. Enter the following commands to set the parameters back to the previous values. Substitute the value from Table 1 – Parameter Config Values for <previous_value>. exec sp_configure 'statement cache size', <previous_value> exec sp_configure 'user log cache size', <previous_value> exec sp_configure 'number of aux scan descriptors', <previous_value> Stop and restart the Sybase BCKServer and Sybase SQLServer. 38
6. Event Subscription Configuration Much of the PD² Adapter’s behavior is driven by a change in status of information in the PD² database, called an event. The pd2_event_subscription_pmo table is a table that is added to the PD² database to store each of these events and the action the PD² Adapter should take. This section provides instructions for configuring the pd2_event_subscription_pmo table. 39
6. Event Subscription Configuration 6.1 Populate the Event Subscription Table The pmo_new_event_subscription.sql script is provided to populate the pd2_event_subscription_pmo table with new events of a standard PMO configuration. To view a summary of these events, refer to the PD² Adapter v3.0 Functional User’s Guide. Each time the pmo_new_event_subscription.sql script is run against the database, only the new entries in the standard PMO configuration will be inserted and enabled. Instructions for disabling events that do not apply to the site can be found in the PD² Adapter v3.0 Functional User’s Guide. 40
6. Event Subscription Configuration 6.1 Populate the Event Subscription Table Note: If it is necessary to re-run the pmo_event_subscription.sql script, it is recommended that you first delete the pd2_event_subscription_pmo table and re-execute the PMOSqlScript.sql script as directed in Section 5.2: Apply PD² Database Changes. WARNING: The pmo_new_event_subscription.sql script does not check for duplicate rows. If duplicate entries exist for any event, the corresponding document will be sent twice to the site indicated as the receiver. Note: Events can also be configured using the Add/Edit Events functionality on the PD² Adapter Configuration page. Refer to the PD² Adapter v3.0 Functional User’s Guide for additional information. 41
6. Event Subscription Configuration 6.1 Populate the Event Subscription Table The following steps are specific to Interactive SQL. The script may be executed from another Sybase client application such as isql, if Interactive SQL is not available. To subscribe to the standard set of PMO events: Log into Sybase Interactive SQL. Refer to Appendix I: Log into Sybase Interactive SQL for the steps to log in. Select the appropriate PD² database from the drop-down list box in the upper right corner. (The database displays in the drop-down list.) 42
6. Event Subscription Configuration 6.1 Populate the Event Subscription Table From the menu select File Run Script and navigate to the “<WMDIR>\install\sps\pmo_new_ event_subscription.sql” file. For <WMDIR>, refer to “WebMethods Integration Server Location” in Table 1: Adapter Setup Parameters Note: Sites that used the “PMOSqlScript.sql” file in place of the “PMOSqlScript2.sql” file in Section 5.2: Apply PD2 Database Changes should select “pmo_event_ subscription.sql” file instead. (The “pmo_new_event _subscription.sql” file displays in the Open window.) 43
6. Event Subscription Configuration 6.1 Populate the Event Subscription Table Select the pmo_new_ event_subscription.sql script and click the [Open] button. (The Run Script window opens.) Click the [Close] button. Repeat the last three steps for each PD² database that will be connected to the PD² Adapter. 44
6. Event Subscription Configuration 6.2 Configure Sender and Receiver Information At this point, the PD² database contains entries for each of the events in the standard PMO configuration. The next step is to specify the sender and receiver for the events. For each event, you must specify the following parameters. TNSender TNReceiver PD2SystemSender PD2SystemReceiver. Note: Prior to Configuring Sender and Receiver information, ensure that the webMethods Integration Server is running. 45
6. Event Subscription Configuration 6.2 Configure Sender and Receiver Information TNSender – The TN External ID for the local site. This should match to the DUNS value of the existing Enterprise Profile. PD2SystemSender – The PD² Database Alias. This should match to the name of the PD² Database Alias that references the database that was configured as part of Section 4 Configure PD² Database Alias. TNReceiver – The TN External ID of the partner site. This should match to the DUNS value of the existing Partner Profile should be used. PD2SystemReceiver – The Database Alias associated with the partner site. This should match to the name of the PD² Database Alias that references the database that was configured as part of Section 4 Configure PD² Database Alias. This should be different than the one that was selected for TNSender. 46
6. Event Subscription Configuration 6.2 Configure Sender and Receiver Information Note: The PD2SystemReceiver parameter is only needed if the receiving system is a PD² database. WARNING: The SQL statements provided in this section will update the entire pd2_event_subscription_pmo table. If the table is configured to send to multiple sites, or to send certain documents based on specific events to specific sites, additional qualifiers will need to be added to the provided SQL statement. 47
6. Event Subscription Configuration 6.2 Configure Sender and Receiver Information Log into ISQL and execut the following command to configure the sender and receiver information: UPDATE pd2_event_subscription_pmo SET tn_sender = '<TNSender>', pd2_system_sender='<PD2SystemSender>', tn_receiver='<TNReceiver>', pd2_system_receiver='<PD2SystemReceiver>' where pd_event='DCN' 48
7. webMethods Administration Configuration 7.1 Suspend/Resume a Trigger This section provides instructions for suspending or resuming a specific trigger. Note: Sites that do not wish to change the status of a trigger should skip this section. 49
8. Synchronize webMethods Document Types After upgrading the PD² Adapter packages it is sometimes necessary to synchronize the publishable webMethods Document Types with the webMethods Broker Server. Follow the instructions to accomplish this task. 50
8. Synchronize webMethods Document Types To synchronize the webMethods Document Types: Log into the webMethods Administrator. (The webMethods Administrator page displays.) Click Packages > Management link. (The Packages > Management page displays.) Click the PD2AdapterServices link. (The Packages > Management > PD2AdapterServices page displays.) 51
8. Synchronize webMethods Document Types To synchronize the webMethods Document Types: Click the Browse services in PD2AdapterServices link. (The Packages > Management > PD2AdapterServices > Services page displays.) 52
8. Synchronize webMethods Document Types To synchronize the webMethods Document Types: Click the PD2AdapterServices.Utility .Broker: syncDocTypesToBroker link. (The Packages > Management > PD2AdapterServices > Services > syncDocTypesToBroker page displays.) 53
8. Synchronize webMethods Document Types To synchronize the webMethods Document Types: Click the Test syncDocTypesToBroker link. (The Packages > Management > Services > syncDocTypesToBroker > Test page displays.) 54
8. Synchronize webMethods Document Types To synchronize the webMethods Document Types: Enter “All” in the docsToSync text box. Enter “Fdi.Records” in the filterpattern text box. Click the [Test (with inputs)] button. 55
8. Synchronize webMethods Document Types To synchronize the webMethods Document Types: (A gray screen displays the successfully synchronized document types 56
9. EDA Configuration Refer to the PD² Adapter - EDA Configuration Script Guide located on the CACI Knowledge Base at http://sps.caci.com for information on how to configure PD² Adapter to use with EDA. 57
10. ERP IC Configuration Refer to the Adapter v3.0 User's Guide (Section 3.17.4) located on the CACI Knowledge Base at http://sps.caci.com for information on how to configure PD² Adapter to use with ERP IC. 58
11. Clean Up Scripts Once the installation is completed successfully, delete the following folder <WMDIR>\install\sps. For <WMDIR>, refer to “WebMethods Integration Server Location” in Table 1: Adapter Setup Parameters. Note: If the user needs to access the scripts under the folder <WMDIR>\install\sps after they have been deleted, then the PD² Adapter v3.0 Installer has to be run again. 59