beas group AG Beas sql guide Martin Heigl CTO
Beas sql guide Introduction Beas first installation and update Frequent errors
Account Control Settings Before installation of beas, make sure, that: you have Admin rights for the domain when using 32bit client, then use it all features 32bit you never installed SAP Client64 / SAP Client32 your account control settings are on minimum Open Start – Click on Control Panel – User Accounts
Introduction Click on Change User Account Settings and set indicator on lowest level Restart your machine (PC or Server) Note: After first installation of beas you can change User Account Control Settings back
Folder Permission Configure the Permission for folder beas Software. Go on C: - Program Files (x86) and open it. Make right click on the folder beas software and click Properties After that, you will see a window with few Tabs. Choose the tab Security.
Introduction Click on the button „Edit“ On window Permissions do following steps: choose your group or user set permissions to full control click on button „Apply“ Note: If you are not able to change permissions, just add new user with button „Add…“ and then set rights for this new user.
Turn off Firewall Click on „Start“ - open „Control Panel“ – „Windows Firewall“ and turn off the firewall.
Introduction If is not everything turn off (usually will be all red like in our green field) , then click on „Turn Windows Firewall on or off“ Choose in Home or work and Public network local settings „Turn off Windows Firewall“ At least reboot the machine
Beas sql guide Introduction Beas first installation and update Frequent errors
Beas first Installation and Update Go to Help Center – Product news, select page for current version
Beas first Installation and Update On page for current version, select MSSQL download
Beas first Installation and Update Extract (unrar) the files Open cd and make right click on „setup.exe“ – click – „Run as admininstrator“
Beas first Installation and Update Then click „Next“ to continue Then please check if your configuration is all right SERVER = Name of your database server (Should be Uppercase) Programserver = \\name of your server\b1_shf (shared folder of SAP) to this folder all beas files and sub-folders will be installed. In case of update, your beas version will checked Note: This configuration should be automaticaly filled after your first installation and confugration
Beas first Installation and Update Then you should be able to see a confirmation message that the server installation was successfull Now install cd patch which you have downloaded Open cdpatch/cd then setup.exe right mouse click – Run as Administrator
Beas first Installation and Update Then please check if your configuration is all right SQL Server = name of your DB server has to be same like in cdserver Programserver =we recommend SAP share folder or folder which you used in cdserver, usually \\<NameOf YourServer>\b1_shr DB user = user to connect to your SQL server DB Password = password to connect to your SQL server Click on Connect Now you see if your configuration is ok Important! Server-Connect must be „ok“ if not then you have to check your configuration in previous steps If everything is all right then click the button „Next“
Beas first Installation and Update Please accept conditions and click „Start“ If a security warning is issued, (up to 3 times) just click the button „Run“ Now you see if your configuration is ok For initial installation install the reportviewer – click Yes
Beas first Installation and Update Beas is installed or updated. If you get a message from Program Compatibility Assistant, then just click on „This program installed correctly“.
Beas first start Before you start beas, set and check your configuration Open beas and then click on – „change company“ and then „options“ Now check your configuration, it should looks like this Server = Name of your Database server DB User and Password = your connection into the SQL server License server = if is different then DB server then you have to type in Driver = here choose your SQL server version Programmserver = \\<servername>\b1_shf folder, this folder has been created the SAP installation containing all beas files If is everything ok click on „Test and Save“
Beas first start Then click on DI-API Fill your User and Password which you are using for login to SAP, write your Licenseserver (if is different thant DB server) and choose correct Driver then click on „Test“
Beas first start You should get the message „DI-API Test is ok“ Click on „OK“ Then click on „Save and Close“ Note: If DI-API Test is not OK you will get an error message. First try to re-install DI-API manually. How to do, is explained in chapter 3 – „Frequent Errors“ If reinstallation will not help then please contant us and our team will support you After this configuration, beas clients should be updated automatically after you‘ll update beas on Server, if not please continue with Beas client update
Beas client first installation After you installed beas and set configuration of First start, open in you client any window and write your path to server and b1_shr folder \\<servername>\b1_shr As you can see beas structure was installed there, open folder beas software Right mouse click on „clieintsetup.exe“ and start as Administrator
Beas client first installation Please check your connections (green field) and if Server-connect = „ok“ then click „Start Update / Installation“
Beas client update If you once time updated your Database server, then you can use client setup in ither PCs (clients). Go into folder of latest patch version of beas and make right mouse click on „client_setup.exe“ – click „Run as administrator“ Please check your connections (green field) and if is Server-connect = „ok“, if yeas click „Start Update / Installation“
Beas client update In this case you can see window Security Warning – please confirm with button „Run“ After that beas client is updated successfully. If you get a message from Program Compatibility Assistant, then just click on „This program installed correctly“
Beas sql guide Introduction Beas installation and update Frequent errors
Beas Error after connection to Start Update When you start upgrade or installation and click „Start Update/Installation“ (can be automatically) And then you’ll get this error, click „OK“
Beas Error after connection to Start Update Open task manager – tab „Processes“ and end all processes named beas.exe*32 Then click on „connect“ – check if Server-Coonect is ok and click „Start Update/Installation“
Older version of Beas on the server If you‘ll get this message „There is an older version of beas on the server“, ´problem is that version.ini was not updated or is not equal with server and client Go in client into beas software folder Program Files(x86)beas software/beas/program/version.ini and open it (with notepad for example
Older version of Beas on the server If you‘ll get this message „There is an older version of beas on the server“, ´problem is that version.ini was not updated or is not equal with server and client Go in client into beas software folder Program Files(x86)beas software/beas/program/version.ini and open it (with notepad for example
Older version of Beas on the server There you see program and programtext program = number of your version programtext = version in text Program=917012000 91 = beas version for SAP 9.1 7 = patch version of beas 012 = internal counter 000 = Jesús declare please Also for example you’ll download version of beas 9.1 (7.09) program number will looks this way 917009000 etc.
Older version of Beas on the server Then please go into your b1_shf folder: You can do it over Linux server or easier way Open any window in client and click on the path above Then write inside: \\<yourservername>\b1_shf Go into beas/program/version.ini and check your program number if it’s not correct please change it on the right number which we described above
DI-API test not OK Here fill your login and server informations (field 1) if you’re not able to write you must click on „Change User“ or „Change Server“, then please click on „OK“ If is everything ok then you shoul be able to see, that you’re connected Also it means, if in beas DI-API test comes any error and here you’re connected, you have to contact us and we will support you otherwise is problem with DI-API and continue with next subchapter Reinstallation of DI- API.
Reinstallation of DI-API Open your B1_SHF folder Open any window in windows and click into top line where is name of the window, write here \\<yourservername>\b1_shf, press „Enter“ and open folder B1DIAPI Run setup.exe, confirm every messages which you will get until „Finish“ and confirm that too
Reinstallation of DI-API After uninstallation complete then click on setup.exe again and DI.API will be installed If you see a window where you should insert your License Server Name then just put in your server name and click on „Next“ in next
APS and attendance module not showing This case is showed for HANA but it is same for MSSQL If you are not able to see APS or attendance module open „Administration“ – License. See beas buttons (green field) Enter your computer name
APS and attendance module not showing Click on one beas list button Then click on „New“ – choose your Computer Name – and Update, after that restart Beas and you should be able to see APS and attendance module Then continue with the other two beas buttons in the same way.
APS and attendance module not showing Attention: On Terminal Server or RDP Software if you still don’t see APS… then you have to go in command line and here write command „set“ and press „Enter“
APS and attendance module not showing Then you’ll see list where COMPUTERNAME etc. Here you must check if you have in your list CLIENTNAME – if yes you have to choose in License this name not COMPUTERNAME! !!Very important!!