Multi-sensory Grammar This program uses color codes to introduce and reinforce the definitions of the parts of speech in a sentence.
Nouns Nouns are color coded yellow. Road signs that have important information are yellow. Nouns carry important information in a sentence. Nouns name a person, place, or thing.
Two types of nouns Proper nouns name a specific noun. Proper nouns are always capitalized. The opposite of a proper noun is a common noun. Both types of nouns are color-coded yellow. Proper nouns Common nouns Sue girl Kleenex tissue Wal-Mart store Coke soda
Verbs A verb shows action. It shows what a noun is doing. Verbs are color-coded orange. Just like an orange detour sign shows what to do if a road is out, verbs show what nouns are doing.
Examples of Action Verbs Run, sped Jump, leaped, tip-toed Sing, screeched, bellowed Swim, sped, lapped, jetted Sit, slumped, slouched, Talk, speak, yelled, scream, howled CREATE GREAT DESCRIBTIVE VERBS!
Articles An article show a noun is coming. Articles are color-coded red. We will think of a red railroad crossing sign. Just like a railroad crossing sign gives warning of an upcoming train, so articles in a sentence give warning of upcoming nouns.
Articles continued There are three small articles. They are a, an and the. Rule: use an when the following word begins with a vowel. (a,e,i,o,u) Examples: an apple, an elephant, an ice cream cone, etc.
Subjects and Predicates Subject – tells who or what the sentence is about Predicate – tells what the subject does or is. Example: Mary’s mother baked a banana and chocolate birthday cake for John.
Subjects and Predicates In order to have a complete sentence, you need a subject and a predicate. We highlight the subject yellow, because it has the most important noun. We highlight the predicate orange because it has the verb.
Examples of Subjects and predicates Sue swims. John sings. The dog barks. A boy swims laps. The children eat at the table. Which part would be highlighted yellow? Which part orange?