Implementing a SharePoint Portal A Roadmap to Success
Presenters Josh Mitchell Gerri Light Dave Heffner Wendy Cunningham MC3 Students = 18,000 IT Staff = 33 LC Dave Heffner Students = 1,400 IT Staff = 15 PCT Wendy Cunningham Students = 6,400 IT Staff = 50* *Sharepoint Portal not managed by IT; server-side and central admin services by IT.
Sharepoint Implementation MC3 Spring 2010 Initiated by: IT Dept Audience: Fac/Staff/Stu LC 2009 Initiated by: IT Dept Audience: Fac/Staff/Stu PCT 2007 Initiated by: ITS Audience: Phase 1: Fac/Staff Phase 2:: Students
Why Sharepoint MC3 LC PCT Datatel integration Central document repository Content management Collaboration LC Datatel integration Secure documents Team Sites Forms Cost Microsoft PCT Centralization of information for internal audiences Permission management Scalability System integration Team sites Forms
Challenge: Getting Buy-in MC3 Email Announcements Calendar Forms Registration LC Duplicated existing intranet Newsletter Multiple windows in Webadvisor Forms & Secure docs HR & Search cmte information Budget files Middle States PCT Department info and forms Policy and procedure Team sites Contact info “Classifieds” You can only get it on the SharePoint Portal “Where you go if you need anything”
MC3 Challenges Training for team site owners Migrating content from old intranet Single Sign On Required programming and 3rd party web parts Blackboard Email Student gmail Staff Exchange (email and calendar) iTunes Authentication Multiple authentication prompts especially with document libraries Netscaler finally resolved this issue Browser support OS support Training for top level content managers Events, calendars, announcements, photos
Lc challenges How to distribute IT technical support. Relationship between Sharepoint and ERP middleware. What features to implement and promote. First trying implementation in a Novell environment. User buy-in. Are we ready if it really takes off? Ex. Use as replacement of shared folders.
PCT Challenges Adoption by historically resistant groups Adoption by current students Announcements (controlling quantity and distribution) Personalization? How much is counter to purpose? Standards and governance Who controls what? Who handles support calls? How many hands in the pot? How to enforce standards? Single sign-on (fear factor for administration) Training Site-level promotion “Build it; they will come”… not.
Lessons Learned MC3 LC PCT Involve content experts from each division Train on using sharepoint Train again & again Plan on using 3rd party webparts SSO Email Calendar Promote well in advance of launch LC Initial IT technical training Active Directory homogeneous Use incentives with admin support. Be prepared for multi-year project PCT Include broad representation in planning phases. Pre-define scope Obtain administration buy-in Pre-emptive content for “resistant groups” Plan for growth Establish governance & training strategy BEFORE rollout.
Future Plans MC3 LC PCT Further system integration Personal portals Sharepoint 2010 LC Student rollout Faculty site governance Moodle integration Email integration? Announcements Dashboard integration PCT Administrative system integration Live@edu SSO Guest access E-manuals
Suggested Timeline Initial planning & Budgeting Provision a development site Consultant or similar institution assistance Create branding, templates, CSS & other design Create site structure Governance & support planning Create phased implementation plan/timeline Migrate/develop content Requires intense planning, organization and quality assurance Beta testing Influential users that will assist promote site Cross section of institution and abilities Launch promotion Well in advance of launch (2 months) Training Launch
Please fill out the online evaluation form! Thank you Please fill out the online evaluation form! Josh Mitchell Gerri Light Wendy Cunningham Dave Heffner