PURPOSE OF SYNTHESIS ESSAY “synthesize” - (v.) to form (a material or abstract entity) by combining parts of elements Opposite of “analyze” (breaking into parts) Source: Essay where the writer takes a variety of sources and integrates them into a cohesive “controlling idea” that formulates the argument. “controlling idea” – like a tree trunk; all arguments stem from the trunk like branches. Writer demonstrates proper MLA format of text citations THIS ESSAY STYLE WILL LIKELY BE ON THE SAT
First, READ THE PROMPT Determine the requirements: This prompt says: information from at least three sources. Compare/contrast two murders: you already know how to compare contrast!! So, utilize compare/contrast paragraph structure and outline format. Point-by-point Paragraph II is concession Paragraph IV – best argument
SECOND, determine if sources are good On your own – read through each source Skim and scan Number each paragraph in each source (you’ll see why in a sec) Chose sources – use “tree chart” to eliminate overwhelm THERE WILL LIKELY BE ONE ‘BAD’ SOURCE Too opinionated No facts No evidence Biased Not enough info List out summary and any points that popped out at you in each article in chart
THIRD, PICK YOUR SOURCES Based on tree chart, pick amount of sources needed for your argument. Don’t forget about film we saw in class. You must get good at skimming and integrating information quickly
In-text citations Since no page numbers, paragraphs become your citation. i.e. The article by Richard Perez-Pena has 25 paragraphs. Abbreviation for paragraphs is: (par. X) Front-load writer’s or filmmaker’s name: In Perez-Pena’s article on the woman who admitted she lied about Emmett Till’s behavior, the horror of racism shines when she says, “blah blah blah” (par. 2). PERIOD GOES AFTER THE ) !!!! Back-load writer’s or filmmaker’s name: When the woman who recanted her story about Emmett Till’s behavior said “blah blah blah”, the horrors of racism becomes undeniable to the reader (Perez-Pena, par. 2). PERIOD GOES AFTER THE ) !!!!!!
FOR FRIDAY 4/28 Get into assigned groups Read article assigned Summarize, and agree upon 3 main points that jumped out at you. Put your summary & points on board IN A TREE CHART. Write down complete chart in notebook. Class determines which source is “bad”. Class determines one possible essay argument Begin an outline if time – otherwise homework for Monday. Use Google folder!
Synthesis Essay #1 Source 1 Summary Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Source 2 Source 3