What’s a thesis statement? A line of argument that answers the question you’ve set for yourself
What makes for a good thesis statement? If a thesis statement is a line of argument but what makes a good line of argument? It needs to be strong and clear Should be a point of debate; ie it should make a contentious claim that aligns you in a broader debate; It positions you; You’re taking a stance! I can disagree Be something that matters Be specific Be doable within specified the word limit
Is there a place for programmes such as Te Kooti Rangatahi (A Marae Based Youth Court) in New Zealand’s Legal System? While creating a separate court appears culturally divisive, Indigenous culture is unique to New Zealand; its custodians are not just another group within New Zealand society. There are also numerous precedents for special courts which refute the argument for special pleading. Furthermore, an analysis of the Court’s proceedings demonstrates how effective it is in providing more equitable justice to Indigenous young people. Finally, although Te Kooti Rangatahi has its limitations, its successes provide opportunities for implementation within the broader legal system. SEE:
Is Janet Finch right in arguing that it is no longer enough to do family life we must also display our families? By yourself draft a thesis statement in response to this question THEN: In groups talk about your thesis statements and collaborate to come up with the best thesis statement possible. Review against the criteria and be prepared to justify why it is good.
TRY THIS OUT FOR YOUR OWN ESSAY WRITE YOUR OWN THESIS STATEMENT IN PAIRS CHECK AGAINST THE CRITERIA Is it clear? Yes/No Is it specific? Yes/No Is there an identifiable stance? ? Yes/No Does it matter? ? Yes/No Is it debatable? Could someone disagree? ? Yes/No
What else have they written? Rhizomatic searching Who do they cite? An assigned or recommended course reading Reynolds, Tracey, and Elisabetta Zontini. 2014. Bringing transnational families from the margins to the centre of family studies in Britain. Families, Relationships and Societies 3 (2):251-68. Who cites them? What else have they written?