Exploring Your Child’s Future Welcome Parents and Families
How-should-you-start-a-college-search Self Reflection The best college choices are made when students know themselves well…their strengths, goals, and personality type. How-should-you-start-a-college-search *Go to Naviance/Family Connection to complete Personality and Career Profiles
Students should consider Their strengths & weaknesses Classes they’ve enjoyed Their interests Their career goals Activities they enjoy Do-colleges-want-quality-or- a-quantity-of-activities
College Characteristics to Consider Location – Urban/Rural Far from home? Campus/Class sizes Admission requirements
College Characteristics to Consider (Cont’d) Academic strengths Retention rates Degree Requirements Core Curriculum/flexibility Diversity Costs
Visit College Campuses Visit a variety of campus types and sizes Go when college is in session Take a campus tour Talk to students Stay overnight Talk to a faculty member in your area of interest Schedule an interview, if possible Experts-give-tips-on-what-to-do-during- campus-visits
Narrow Your List of Schools Reach Schools (1 or 2) Target Schools (2-4) Likely Schools (1 or 2)
Keep Things in Perspective This is not a competition to get into the “best college”… This is a process to find the college that is the “best fit.”
How Do Colleges Select Students High school grades/rigor of courses SAT/ACT/TOEFL scores Recommendations Essays College needs Special talents Extracurricular activities Interview what-kind-of-student-do-colleges-want
Different Kinds of Admissions Priority Deadline: Univ. of MD, College Park - Nov. 1st Early Decision Early Action Regular Decision Rolling Admissions BE AWARE OF DEADLINES
What's Next? February Students should make thoughtful course selections for senior year HBCU College Fair – Feb. 17th, 5:30 p.m. at Richard Montgomery HS https://sites.google.com/a/mc psmd.net/mcps-hbcu March Colleges That Change Lives evening event – Mar. 15th, 7 p.m. at Walt Whitman HS
What's Next? Montgomery County College Fair – April 5th, 10:30 a.m. Visit colleges over Spring Break May/June SAT/ACT/SAT subject tests Schedule a College Meeting with Counselor Complete self reflection worksheet/parent reflection worksheet/resume in Naviance Think about which teachers to ask to write your recommendation letter
What's Next? June/July/August B-CC Summer Workshops for seniors Work on College applications Complete College Meetings with Counselor Register for Common Application www.commonapp.org
Components of a College Application College Application, including essay Current Transcript- sent from B-CC SAT/ACT/TOEFL scores (need to be sent directly from testing company) Recommendation letter from teacher(s) Recommendation letter from school counselor B-CC School Profile (sent from B-CC) Secondary School report (completed by school counselor and sent from B-CC)
Copy of Senior Transcript
Financial Aid/Scholarships Think about and start researching Financial Aid/Scholarship Information *If you qualify for Free/Reduced lunch, sign up! This will give you reduced and/or free college application fees, and SAT/ACT/TOEFL, AP/IB test fees.
PSAT and Khan Academy Free, individualized SAT prep! Now that your child has their PSAT score, remind them to LINK that score to the Khan Academy for access to individualized, free SAT prep! For directions please see here Or just google, how to link PSAT and Khan Academy!
Where/How to Get Information at B-CC B-CC School Counselor Family Connection College and Career Center Mrs. Parmelee, CCIC at B-CC College Tracks – Ms. Aja Simpson, Ms. Patty Olszewski College Reps when they visit B-CC Scholarship searches Counseling Dept.: 240-740-0420 College/Career Ctr.: 240-740-0427
Enjoy this College Process Journey!