Importing Media into Adobe Premiere Pro
outline Adobe Premiere Pro offers different paths to importing including an Import command, Media Browser, and Adobe Dynamic Link. This lecture discusses the details of how to import media into Adobe Premiere Pro
Importing media The first step to starting a project is getting your media into Adobe Premiere Pro. No matter what kind of project you’re doing, if you can’t import media, you’re stuck. Adobe Premiere Pro offers different paths to importing including an Import command, Media Browser, and Adobe Dynamic Link. The one you choose will be based on the source material and your objectives
Importing media Adobe Premiere Pro also doesn’t work alone: It’s crucial you understand the real “superpowers” of the suite. You can draw assets from the rest of the Adobe Creative Suite components, including Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Audition, and even Adobe SpeedGrade.
Importing media You can directly import assets into Adobe Premiere Pro in four ways: -Standard importing by choosing File > Import The Media Browser panel -Adobe Prelude -Adobe Bridge Whichever way you use Adobe Premiere Pro, it will create a link to your media, whether the media consists of videos, stills, or audio files (or even a dynamic project from one of the other Adobe Creative Suite apps, such as After Effects).
Standard Importing Standard importing is probably the most straightforward type of importing you can do, To import any file, choose File > Import. If you prefer to use keyboard shortcuts, press Command+I (Ctrl+I) to open the standard Import dialog for Macintosh or for Windows
The Windows Import dialog
Importing Using the Media Browser The flexibility of importing media using media browser makes it superior to the standard file system import. Not only does it display the files in a straight list, but it also adjusts the view using the metadata. Being able to see this meta-data makes it far easier to select from long lists of files or shots.
Importing Using the Media Browser By default, you’ll find the Media Browser in the lower-left corner (if your workspace is set to Editing). You can also quickly access it by pressing Shift+8. The major benefits of the Media Browser include the following: -Auto sensing of camera data—AVCHD, Canon XF, P2, RED, Arri, Sony HDV, and XDCAM (EX and HD) -Narrowing the display to a specific file type, such as JPEG, TIFF, XML, AAF, and more -Viewing and customizing the display of metadata -Spanned clips appear as a single element
The Media Browser has the capability to display clips and cards from popular formats like P2, XDCAM, RED, and even Arri
Importing media from the project pane Rigt click mouse on the project pane, select import from the pop up menue. you can double click on the Project Pane and a search box will automatically appear
Importing Files: You can import whole folders of still and moving images. When you import files you are directing the program to where the files live, not actually importing the files into Premiere. This means keeping your original files in the same place is important. This also means that it is harder to harm your original files. If you organize your files before hand into separate folders (videos, audios, etc) then you can upload your files within these folders and keep them organized