Review of One Drive Procedures for 8X8 Using I-pad Screenshots Thanks to Jon Hyatt for his I-pad
Before starting, locate where you modify your settings and control your Photos and Camera.
Before Recording, change the setting for Record Video to 720 HD Before Recording, change the setting for Record Video to 720 HD. This will cut the size of your video by 50%.
If you want to view what is in your Photos Library, use the search feature and search for photos. Click on Photos to go to the Library.
After recording and verifying that your video is in your Photos Library, open your browser and sign in to Office 365.
After logging in, find the application called Delve.
Look at the list under People Look at the list under People. If the DSD teacher for your cohort is not listed, then type his/her name in the Search Bar. The box in the center gives access to the teacher’s One Drive.
Once you are in the DSD teacher’s One Drive, look for the folder that is named for your cohort and click on it. (Note– this is an example. Yours should say “The 8X8 Project Cohort ___ - ___”
Now select Upload.
After selecting Upload, you should see a list of places to upload from After selecting Upload, you should see a list of places to upload from. Select Photo Library.
After selecting Photo Library, a list of subfolders will show up After selecting Photo Library, a list of subfolders will show up. Select videos.
Look at the videos stored on your I-pad, and select the video you want to share with your cohort.
The video that is selected will have a check mark in the corner.
Once you select the video, you will now see it in the list of files Once you select the video, you will now see it in the list of files. It should also say “Uploading” in the upper right corner. (In this example, the video is very short so it uploaded in seconds.) Check here for the word “Uploading”
Once the video is loaded, you can hold the cursor on the name until the Rename option appears. The name format is First Name Last Initial Date of Class for Sharing so mine would be Dana R 1-21-17.
Here is the folder for grades 6-8 as of January 21 Here is the folder for grades 6-8 as of January 21. Notice the filenames. (I renamed two of these.)
Jon named his file differently, but again this is just an example Jon named his file differently, but again this is just an example. To play the video, just click on it.
The End. I hope this Power Point with the I-pad Screen Shots helps. Questions?