Nuclear conflict in south Asia A test of deterrence
Origins of Conflict: Partition Partition left both India & Pakistan devastated socially & economically. Some of the atrocities committed between the Muslims & Hindus were widespread rape, pillaging & murder, bordering on genocide. This included the bombing of trains of immigrants by Hindus and even filling trains full of the dismembered bodies & sending them across the border into Pakistan.
1947 Jammu and Kashmir War Dispute between Pakistan & India over Jammu & Kashmir goes back to partition of 1947. Initially, Kashmir was to join with Pakistan, but the Hindu Maharaja, Hari Singh, refused. Pakistan tried to scare him with military force. In response, Singh signed an article of accession, Kashmir would join India if India helped repel Pakistani forces. Territory has been disputed ever since.
Origins of Conflict 1965 War – Operation Gibralter 1971 Bangladesh War 1986 Brass Tacks Crisis 1999 Kargil Conflict (not a war)
India’s Nuclear Program 1954 Atomic Research Program – “Atoms for Peace” 1962 Border war with China NNPT/NAM 1974 Pokran I (Smiling Bhudda) Test 8 KT 1998 Pokhran II Nuclear tests (5) IRT Pakistani program
Pakistan’s Nuclear Program 1965 1st Reactor under “Atoms for Peace” 1972 Bhutto begins nuclear Weapons program 1975 Dr. AQ Khan Returns from Holland 1998 Operation Shakti, six nuclear detonations
1999 Kargil Crisis
Did nuclear weapons stop the crisis short of war? 1999 Kargil Crisis Did nuclear weapons stop the crisis short of war?