What theory did many Americans use to justify westward expansion during the 1800s?
MANIFEST DESTINY the belief that America had a God-given right to occupy the entire North American continent.
Why was the Louisiana Purchase important to the growth of the United States? 6
It doubled the size of the country
Which president purchased the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803?
Which TWO main immigrant groups helped build the Transcontinental Railroad? 10
Irish & Chinese
Why was building the Transcontinental Railroad difficult? 12
railroad workers had to cut through mountains
What was the impact of the transcontinental Railroad? 15
What was the effect of the transcontinental railroad on the population of western cities? 17
Why was the buffalo important to the way of life of Great Plains Indians? 19
Why were the Native Americans removed from their land by the U. S Why were the Native Americans removed from their land by the U.S. government in the 1800s? 21
White Americans’ desire for Native American lands
Why did the U.S. government kill the buffalo? 23
The disappearance of their cultural base helped drive Native American Indians onto reservations.
Where were most Native Americans living by the 1880’s? 25
List two problems people on reservations face today. 31
American Indians Today/Current problems Unemployment Poverty High Dropout Rate Poor Housing Suicide Alcoholism 32
Describe the life a cowboy 33
Cowboys (1865 – 1890) 1. Cowboys lived a dangerous life. Lack of water Weather: dust, rain, wind, storm Lack of sleep Animals: snakes, coyotes, etc... ** STAMPEDE 2. Cowboys were responsible for cattle drives, which took the cows from Texas to the transcontinental railroad. 3. Most cowboys were white, but a third of them were African American or Mexican American.
How did the government encourage settlers to move onto the Great Plains? 35
What were some of the problems homesteaders faced on the Great Plains? 37
The problems of living on the Great Plains Building a house Staying healthy Extreme weather Fuel Dust Storms Isolation Keeping clean Water Pests 38
Farmers on the Great Plains adapted to their environment
Was the United States was justified in expanding westward? MANIFEST DESTINY Was the United States was justified in expanding westward?