Evangelization and Mission Plan for 2017 Couples for Christ USA Evangelization and Mission Plan for 2017
CFC GA PLANNING 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2017 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if completed Not Met Action Plan 1.) Evangelization and Mission (EMO) Growth in Holiness as seen thru ) Membership Growth Membership Growth CFC ---- _25_% SFC ---- _25_% YFC ---- _25_% SOLD -- _25_% HOLD - _20_% 6.KFC-----_25_% CLP 1/year each Unit for CFC and/PPC as identified. 6 mo 1 yr. 1 yr CLP prep. For a month., Personal invitations and pray each week for prospects., Parish Base, PPC, MES. Coordinate with Unit Head(UH) and PFO for need of teaching 2.) Membership Retention Membership Retention 100% -PFO start/continue with the second yr., -Invest on Leaders & training, Send to National Activities.- PFO -Gift of Life 3.) Generosity in Time, Talent & Treasure Increase in tithes (Number of tithers) )Leaders 100% )Members 100% - Follow up w/ leaders/mem. -During HH meet, do one on one, - Coordinate with Miss. Supp.
CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress CFC GA Planning 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if completed No Met Action Plan 2.) CCRO Couples for Christ and the Family Ministries Presence and Involvement in other Dioceses and/or Parishes Presence in new dioceses and/or parishes (CCRO Coor.) CCRO Coordinator to develop and maintain Manuals to hand to new Parish for introduction of CFC. 2. Identify new parish to open and do CLP or introduce CFC Min. ei PPC in existing Parish with consultation to UH. 6 mo 1 yr - Identify Parishes that we can open CFC or introduce other Ministries. - Coordinate with UH for identification of Parish and set up meeting together with CFC parishioner in that parish. Identified CFC members to be involved in the parish life or diocese (Unit Head) 1. Identify and or continue involvement to existing diocese events and ensure CFC representation in these events. ( Eucharistic Cong.) - Check for any activity that CFC can be involved in or continue with existing service.
CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress CFC GA Planning 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if completed No Met Action Plan 2. b.) CCRO Couples for Christ and the Family Ministries Presence and Involvement in other Dioceses and/or Parishes Identified CFC Service in the parish (Unit Head) 2. Deliberate involvement in parish/diocesan activities but esp. ( Unit H. resoponsibility) Pre-Cana or Marriage Prep. Prog. Youth Family & Life Apostolate Liturgical Ministries (i.e. altar server, Usher etc) Parish Council. Music. Min.. 6 mo 1 yr Encourage members on these Areas as outward manifestation of their Love to God and the church that we at CFC are fostering. . Strengthen Relationship with Parish /Diocese Priest/Clergy 1. Report Submission to each diocese.( 6 mos. & 1 yr.by Area Head) VIRTUS trained all new members through CFC by 2017 and old members. 3. Invite Priest in Prayer Meetings and or Celebrate Pastor Appreciation on 2nd week of Oct. - By May and then Nov. to submit to each diocese report of accomplishments. Schedule Virtus Tr. with PFO Coor. Check old member if they have been transition to CFC umbrella offer it to the hosting Parish. Invite priest in Prayer meetings and set up plan for clergy Appreciation.
CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2017 Measures to Indicate Progress CFC GA Planning 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2017 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if complete Not Met Action Plan 3. a.) PFO Growth in Holiness as seen thru Attendance to PFO and ROH teachings.(% of attendees over total members per Unit./Area Wide) a.) CFC b.) HOLD 6 mos 1 yr 6 mo Collect attendance of PFO and ROH attendance(% only). Unit Heads or Area Coordinator keep list of Attendees to be keyed in the GDS. Stage-relevant formation track given to leaders and members?? Faithfully implement PFO Tract. for leaders & members. Administer to all CFC mem. that are not trained Dec. 2017. ROH teachings cascading to Hhold members level. 6 mos. 1 yr. - Coordinate with Unit Heads and Area Coordinator - Coordinate with Unit Heads or Area Coordinator for scheduling of New Mem. To be Virtus Trained. - Give link of ROH or direct to CFCUSA website.
CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress CFC GA Planning 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if completed Not Met Action Plan 3. b. ) PFO Stage-relevant formation track given to leaders and members?? Update PFO teachings list in Website and collection proc. for monitoring . 6 mo. 1 yr. - Coordinate with bro. Alex to update content of CFC GA files. Add form Gateway evangelization programs?? Able to invite Non CFC members to CFC sponsored activities ANCOP Walk, Sport events, Christmas Party. Young Couples program reviewed for possible implementation on the second half of the year. Invite non-members to these events or any CFC sponsored events. - PFO to coordinate speakers and North Unit Serv. Team on Oct. 14-15, 2017. Invite Non-members.
CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2017 Measures to Indicate Progress CFC GA Planning 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2017 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if complete Not Met Action Plan 4. a.) GOL Growth in Holiness as seen thru 1. TOB part 2 for Youth ( by J. Everett) and possible TOB for Adult ( done in Assembly.) Able to participate in GOL in parish or diocese – Prayer Chain, 40 Days, Spiritual Adaptation. Established link to NFP in each diocese in CFC GA website. Search for NFP or TOB members to be trained. 6 mos 1 yr 6 mo Set time for TOB for the Youth . Check for TOB for adult implementation. Find respective parish or diocese that members can participate. Help identify CFC members that will be trained.
CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress CFC GA Planning 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if completed Not Met Action Plan 5. All BCOP program are to be supported as fullness of the work Implement all BCOP-ANCOP Programs (timeframe to be determined by local area BICOP to be educated and understood as fulfilment of the Commandments that God place in our Hearts. 6 mo 1 yr -Coordinator to visit each Unit to promote BICOP. Education (CSP & Cornerstone) is the priority Work with the Poor Programs in ALL Areas. Increase program beneficiaries and members engagement based on detailed implementation manuals, training & clear manpower assignment guidelines Increase CSP numbers with every member sponsoring a child. Or increased it to __ from 36 children. To established 2 ANCOP for GA area. - CSP(Child Sponsorship Prog.) CFC/SFS/ HOLD/SOLD members or 1/couple or per HH, approach friends who are non-members to sponsor kids. - Established 2 ANCOP Walk site for GA.
CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress CFC GA Planning 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if completed Not Met Action Plan 6. a.) MISSION SUPPORT: Comprehensive, Updated & Integrated One Global Data System utilized as a pastoral tool 100% areas faithfully updating and utilizing the One Global Data System Enrollment of NEW members Dec 31, 2017 –100% 6 mo 1 yr 6 mo. - All New members will be enrolled by Dec. 31,2017 All Members of 2016 will have RF ID by June. 31, 2017 - Take pictures of members who don’t have and send application. 3. RF ID reader will be working like the North and East readers by June. 31, 2017 for South and West Ga Area. - Check with GDS coord. Bro. Jacx when will RIFD go live.
CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress CFC GA Planning 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if completed Not Met Action Plan 6. b.) MISSION SUPPORT: Finance 100% Aligned to NC Guidelines. Compliance in remitting 30% monthly tithing to NC per Quickbooks integration. 6 mo 1 yr 6 mo. - Remit 30% tithing to NC before 15th of the following month. Compliance of sending Report on Profits and Loss to NC. - Submit report of Profit and Loss to NC before 15th of the following month. Area Reporting bi-annual via Zoom Video Conferencing. - Set up date for this event start of the year.
CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress CFC GA Planning 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if completed Not Met Action Plan 6. c. ) MISSION SUPPORT: Event Coordinator Increase in Attendance to Conferences Leaders, coordinators and advocates attendance to conference by 80%. 6 mo 1 yr 6 mo. - Email blast to all CFC every month and encourage attendance. Create and submit Conference ads for CFC, HOLD, SOLD, YOUTH CONF. . - Coordinate with CFC and Fam. Coordinators for the events date and solicitation mail or check with ABLAZE.. -
CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress CFC GA Planning 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if completed Not Met Action Plan 7. a. ) Family Ministry – Evangelization and Spiritual Growth Growth in Holiness as seen thru Membership Growth Family Enrichment At least 1 CLP for each ministry – SFC, HOLD 6 mo 1 yr 6 mo. - CLP prep. For a month., Personal invitations and pray each week for prospects. At least 1 camp for each ministry – CFC-Kids, CFC Youth Conduct of weekly Family Household by families of all CFC Kids members Campaign early so families can save the dates. Have service call meetings with all units. Send the weekly HH topics. 7. b.) Seamless Transition Program All CFC-Kids and CFC-Youth are transitions to their next Ministry. 1. Ensure SWITCH and ROPE are done. - Each Area/Chapter to identify at start of the year members in CFC Kids, CFC Youth, SFC and CFC that ideally should transition during the year to the next appropriate Ministry.
CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress CFC GA Planning 2017 CFCUSA Strategic Priorities 2016 Measures to Indicate Progress Area Goals Met: 25% - if started, 50% - if ongoing step up final schedule and team, 100% if completed Not Met Action Plan 7. c. ) Diocesan Involvement More involvement in the dioceses at least 1 Diocesan program/activity that SFC and HOLD can participate in or lend support to (e.g., Respect Life seminar, Catholic Women’s/Men’s Conference) Invite priests to talk in Ministry gatherings 6 mo 1 yr 6 mo. Determine activities in respective Parish and participate. Determine teachings/retreat and invite a priest 7. d.) Work With The Poor More involvement with work with the poor. SFC/HOLD - at least one Work with the Poor initiative, for execution at least once a year. Global Day of Service Child Sponsorship Campaign for ANCOP and Global Day of Service.