Class of 2021 Transition to High School Parent Info Night March 21, 2017 Christi Kreigh, High School Counselor Craig Schlichting, High School Principal 507-418-7520
Life as a Freshman Good News… Not so Good News… More freedom More opportunities More choices More responsibility More expectations Little room for mistakes-Freshman Year Counts! Good News… More freedom More opportunities More choices More responsibility More expectations Variety of friends- Some classes 9-12 Developing confidence, identity & maturity *Students move from dependent children to independent adults in only 4 years* Seek opportunities to “test drive” adulthood.
Common Challenges Homework Time management Asking for help Missing and late work is the most common academic problem! All points count! Turn everything in. Some teachers do NOT accept late work or give extra credit! Time management With homework, friends and family, and extracurricular activities, many students struggle with balancing it all. Set aside a separate time & place each night for homework. Find something that works to keep track of everything (planner, iPad, etc) Asking for help The students who need help often don’t ask for it. Encourage your student to ask questions! Bring them with to conferences & review Schoology and Infinite Campus together! SELF-ADVOCACY!! Teachers are much more accommodating to students that come to them to get help (versus having the parent do it). Try to let your student solve the problem first, before “fixing it” for them. Developing confidence, identity & maturity
Helping Your Child Succeed… Attendance Homework Completion Study habits –in school (note-taking) and at home AGENDA!!!/iPad Calendar Schoology/Infinite Campus parent log-ins Time Management Responsibility Self-advocacy ARC Study Hall & 9th Grade Transitions Students are placed into ARC study hall, a smaller and structured study hall, if they received a D- or F quarter or semester grade. 9th Grade Transitions is a credited course to help certain 8th graders transition more smoothly and successfully to high school. Candidates will be talked to before the end of the year. Placement is determined by attendance, grades, homework completion, standardized testing and behavior referrals.
8 period day (must fill 7 of 8) 45 minute learning periods BASIC OVERVIEW OF THS 8 period day (must fill 7 of 8) HIGHLY ENCOURAGED study hall 45 minute learning periods Block schedule about once every 3 weeks Semester system Each semester/each class = .5 credit iPads (distributed to incoming 9th grade over the summer) Schoology (Website to view students daily grades & assignments) *9th graders who want to opt out of having a study hall will need to Mr. Lutterman’s permission to do so.
Fail required class…must repeat NOT A LOT OF WIGGLE ROOM! BASICS continued… Need 28 credits to graduate 7 credits/year X 4 years = 28 credits 9th grade is start of HS record: cumulative GPA, transcript, attendance, behavior, etc! Fail required class…must repeat NOT A LOT OF WIGGLE ROOM!
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 28 Credits needed…in the following areas: 4.0 credits English 4.0 credits Social Studies 3.5 credits Science 3.5 credits Math 1.0 credit Fine Art (Choir/Band/Art classes) 1.0 credit PE .5 credit Health .5 credit Computer Applications .5 credit Senior Seminar (complete Project & Boards) 9.5 Electives
Required Freshmen Courses English 9 /Accl Eng 9 1 credit Social Studies 9 1 credit Conceptual Physics 1 credit Inter. Algebra OR Geometry 1 credit PE (semester) .5 credit Health (semester) .5 credit 2.0 credits of electives
Freshmen Elective Choices Departments Agriculture Art Business Family and Consumer Science Industrial Technology Music World Language
A few notes about electives… THS Electives Computer Applications (usually taken 9th or 10th) Art Requirement (can choose to finish 9th grade year) B+ or better English - Foreign Language Test out option for Spanish I – native speaker Plants & Animals and Intro FACS (9th & 10th grade only) Recently changed: Industrial Technology and Business course offerings…look at Registration Guide! 2.0 credits of Electives = full year study hall If you want to opt out of study hall-need Principal Lutterman’s signature on Registration sheet Art = Art classes OR Choir OR Band
Registration Timeline Tuesday, March 21st 8th Grade Parent Information Night Wednesday, March 22nd HS Counselor will meet with all 8th grade students during their Social Studies classes to discuss registration Friday, March 31st (End of 3rd Quarter) Registration forms due back to Mr. Hansen. **Parent signature is required!!** Summer Master Schedule Built End of August Individual schedules will be given out after Freshmen Orientation
Please start talking with your student now about their scheduling plans. The THS Registration Guide 2017- 2018 is available on the Triton website on the bottom right of the home page under ‘Cobra Links.’ 4 year plans….electives based on occupation/major choices
Extra-Curricular Activities Encourage your student to get involved! Sports Football Volleyball Gymnastics Cross Country Basketball (B & G) Cheerleading Dance Team Wrestling Hockey (B & G) Baseball/Softball Trap Team Track Golf Clubs/Organizations Student Council Math League Knowledge Bowl Theatre AFS Art Club Science Olympiad SADD FFA FCA EARTH BPA LINK CREW!!!
ENCOURAGE YOUR STUDENT TO ATTEND! FRESHMEN ORIENTATION Late August Date TBD Decrease anxiety…increase excitement! Link Crew leaders…mentors/friends to freshmen Invitations out in late July Ongoing contacts and special events throughout the year ENCOURAGE YOUR STUDENT TO ATTEND!
Resources My Website THS Parent Log-in for IC (can call HS Office) This Powerpoint Planning for your future THS Parent Log-in for IC (can call HS Office) Parent Log-in for Schoology (can call HS Office) High School Daily Bulletin (ON THE WEBSITE) School Social Media Sites (Facebook, Twitter) Craig Schlichting Twitter Christi Kreigh Twitter
Questions ??