Second Grade Parent Academy


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Presentation transcript:

Second Grade Parent Academy Anita Berkner Parker carroll Nicole Evans Shantel Holston

Think Central Link is located on the Alex II website. Login username and password is student id number. Math and Reading books are available.

Study Island Student id and password will be given to each parent individually. Students earn blue ribbons for completing skills. Do not work on skills that have not been covered in class. This is a great resource for extra help. Username: lunchnumberletteroffirstname (no space) Password: student

Class Dojo All report card behavior grades will be based on Class Dojo. 90% and above = Outstanding 75% to 89% = Satisfactory 60% to 74% = Needs Improvement 59% and below = Unsatisfactory Students can earn extra Dojos by going above and beyond. Students trade Dojos in each week at the classroom store. Please discuss behavior with the child after school.

Reading Foundational Skills Essential Standards Phonics and Word Recognition-Using decoding skills and recognizing second grade sight words Fluency-read level M text (Lexile range 420-650), with accuracy, self-correction, appropriate rate & expression

Reading Literature Essential Standards Key Ideas and Details-literature comprehension; ask and answer questions, retell texts: explain central message or lesson with evidence from the text; character analysis, setting, & major events Integration of Knowledge and Ideas-use information from illustrations and words to demonstrate understanding of characters, setting, or plot; compare and contrast the adventures of characters in stories

Reading Informational Essential Standards Key Ideas and Details-non-fiction reading comprehension; recall specific details; recognize author’s purpose and text genre Craft and Structure- identify and use text features; determine the meaning of unknown words/phrases Integration of Knowledge and Ideas- explain how images contribute to and clarify text; compare/contrast important points presented by two texts on the same topic

Writing Essential Standards Text Types of Purposes-write narratives; opinion pieces, and write informative texts: name a topic, supply some facts; provide sense of closure Production and Distribution of Writing-focus on a topic; respond to peers’ feedback by adding details and editing writing. Use a variety of tools to produce and publish writing, including digital tools. Research to Build and Present Knowledge-participate in shared research and writing projects; recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources

Language Essential Standards Conventions of Standard English- nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs; capitalization, ending punctuation, and spelling; using commas in letters and apostrophes in contractions and possessives Knowledge of Language-compare formal and informal uses of English Vocabulary Acquisition and Use- use context clues to determine meaning; root word knowledge; use prefixes to help determine meaning of new word; use glossary/dictionary to determine/clarify meanings

Speaking and Listening Comprehension and Collaboration-participate in group discussions; follow rules for discussion; build on other’s ideas; respond to peers and have multiple exchanges; ask for clarification when needed; recount key ideas and details from information presented orally. Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas-clearly express ideas and feelings with descriptive detail; with support create auditory recordings

Math Essential Standards Operations and Algebraic Thinking Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction- Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve a variety of one and two step word problems. Add and subtract within 20- fluently solve single digit math facts using mental strategies Number and Operations in Base Ten Understand place value-Understand three-digit numbers; count and skip-count within 1,000; read and write numbers up to 1,000; compare three-digit numbers Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract-fluently add and subtract within 100 using knowledge of place value and other decomposition strategies

Math Essential Standards Measurement and Data Measure and estimate lengths in standard units-measure length by selecting and using appropriate tools; compare lengths and measurements; understand the relative size of units in different systems of measurements; estimate lengths; relate addition and subtraction to length Represent and Interpret Data- draw bar graphs and picture graphs; solve problems using information presented in a bar graph; use measurement data to make a line plot Geometry-Reason with shapes and their attributes

Intervention Time Flexible Grouping Reading Annotation Prove It Review Weekly Reading Comprehension

Prove It Strategy 1. Highlight the title and preview the pictures. 2. Read any introductions to the passage. 3. Notice the genre of the text. (Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, interview, etc.) 4. Read the questions to see what you are going to be asked. 5. Highlight any bold or italicized words. 6. Highlight any words in parenthesis or ones that are footnoted. 7. Read the passage carefully. Highlight answers as you go if they answer one of the previewed questions. 8. If you come to any unknown words use context clues to find the meaning. If you cannot pronounce a name, rename the character with an easier name. If you do not know a word, read on. Never get caught up on a word, move on.

Prove It Strategy 9. Read the questions carefully. Questions will be one of the following types: Right There – The answer is right there in black and white. Read and Search- The answer is implied but not clearly stated. Writer and Me-You must interpret what the author is saying. On My Own-You must use prior knowledge, connections to your own life, and common sense. 10. Look back in the passage for the answer. When the answer is found, highlight it and “Q” it. For example, if you find number 3, you would highlight it and write “Q3” beside your answer. NOT ALL ANSWERS CAN BE “Qed.” For some, you may highlight clues to help you use your prior knowledge and common sense. 11. When choosing your answer, mark out impossible answers with an “X” and put “ by possible answers. This helps narrow down your choices. 12. Never leave an answer unanswered. You always have a chance of guessing correctly. Circle the question, and if you have time at the end of the test, you can go back and review it again.

RACE Strategy

UPS Check Understand Read the problem carefully. Identify what is being asked. Restate the question. Plan Identify necessary data and labels Record the information needed to solve the problem. Choose the appropriate strategy, tool or operation. Solve Write an equation with labels if needed. Use your plan and data to solve. Write your solution with labels. Check Check your math. Did you answer the question? Is your answer reasonable? Did you show your math reasoning?