Tuesday 6th June – Friday 9th June 2017
LOCH INSH WATERSPORTS & SKIING CENTRE Your children are in good hands! Loch Insh Watersports and Skiing Centre has been open for 46 years. They are an Award Winning establishment: SCOTTISH HOSPITALITY AWARDS "OUTDOOR VENUE OF THE YEAR 2016" Best on the water facility in Scotland Tourism in the Environment SNH Scottish Tourism Award Best Small Business Visit Scotland 3 Star Visitor Attraction
The staff are experienced and qualified…
Behaviour Expectations: *Polite and courteous with all staff (school and Loch Insh) *Listen to instructions especially safety instructions (water) *Try everything and do your best – get as much out of your week as you can. *At down times the school staff will be in charge – consequences for not listening may be incurred (such as missing out on group down time) *We all get tired and a bit grumpy by the end of the week so to take this into account.
What will the week look like? Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Friday Bus leaves school at 9:30am Breakfast Including making your own lunch Arrive around midday, settle into rooms Morning activity Morning Activity Eat packed lunch Packed Lunch Eat packed Lunch Afternoon Activity Bus Home Dinner Evening Activity Hot Chocolate and biscuits at 9pm Bed time
Activities… Wet Dry Sailing Archery Raft Building Skiing Canadian Canoeing Mountain Biking Kayaking Problem Solving Windsurfing Boat ride round the Loch Wayfind (orienteering) Jumbo Sup BBQ Disco Loch Insh hope to provide the above activities but they may be subject to change due to staffing etc.
Some photos from 2016 Windsurfing Jumbo Sup Raft Building
Activities continued… Loch Insh will try their best to plan for one ‘wet’ activity per day to allow clothes time to dry. It is likely there will be one day with 2! Make sure you bring at least 2 pairs of shoes for the activities plus shoes that can get wet e.g. neoprene swim/surf shoes/pumps. If you are unsure what any of the activities are, check the website for descriptions and pictures.. www.lochinsh.com
Meals All meals are provided from the evening meal on Tuesday. Pupils require a PACKED LUNCH for Tuesday. We would ask that children do not take a lot of sweets etc with them on the trip. If your child has any specific dietary requirements then these should have been itemised on the consent forms, if not, please let us know tonight.
Meals… Breakfast – 2 courses Packed Lunch Dinner – 3 courses 2/3 choices of cereal (+milk) Sandwich – make your own with a choice of fillings – cheese, ham, jam, tuna, salad etc Soup Cooked breakfast – eggs, bacon, beans, sausages (one day) Yoghurt Burger, pizza, lasagne, pasta bake etc Plus one night of BBQ food. Range of juice and hot drinks Juice Pudding – sponge and custard, apple pie, fruit etc Crisps and a biscuit The chef is very accommodating so please let us know of any really fussy eaters and/or dietary requirements. There will be hot chocolate available with biscuits in the accommodation – Miss Barnes and Mrs Stirling make a mean hot chocolate! They won’t go hungry!
Important information… The Bus Bus will leave school at 9:30am. Please wait until the main school traffic has passed before coming down. If it is a nice day, we will meet outside the main door. If it is raining, we will meet in the classroom. Luggage 1 rucksack to carry on to the bus 1 case to be packed in the boot a packed lunch box/water bottle to use at lunch time Suggested packing lists will be distributed and also emailed to parents. Personal belongings: Cameras and any personal belongings are taken at your own risk. This is not the teacher’s responsibility. NO mobile phones should be taken on the trip by pupils. Staff will contact you if there is reason to do so. iPOD’s or MP3’s can be taken for music ONLY. No photo facility or gaming allowed.
Groups /Rooms The children will be split into three groups to take part in the activities. A member of staff will accompany the groups to all activities. Bedroom groups will be decided once we know the details of the rooms we have been allocated. Pocket Money Each group will get access to the Loch Insh Gift Shop at some point during the week. The maximum amount of pocket money is £10. Your child can look after this at their own risk or you can hand it to Miss Barnes when you drop your child off on the Tuesday morning. Trip News! We hope that a text message will be sent daily to parents once we have received information from Mrs Stirling. We will upload this to the Facebook page also.
Phoning Home Information will be shared daily with all parents and if necessary, individual parents will be phoned. Pupils will not be phoning home. Any concerns, please talk to us. Risk Assessments: Loch Insh have risk assessments for all of the activities undertaken by the pupils. All the activities carry some degree of risk and it is important that the pupils listen carefully and follow instructions carefully. A member of staff from the school and from the activity centre will be with each group as they carry out the activities. Medication When we are away we can not give the children any medication that has not been provided by you. If your child requires regular medication then this should be given to either to Mrs Stirling or Miss Barnes when we meet on the Tuesday morning. A Medication form must be completed and the medication in a sealed container/bag that is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Any we cannot answer we will find out about and let you know.